After login, still Error -26547: Authentication required, please use "web_set_user" observed.

Hey, how do you handle Error -26547: Authentication required, please use "web_set_user", e.g. web_set_user("domain\\user", "password", "host:port");  [MsgId: MERR-26547].
I have been able to check that the user has successfully logged in to the system via the runtime viewer during execution, but when still in the process of execution
the error is observed.

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    Hi  .,

    Did you read the help page on web_set_user? Modern business like browser based applications can be very complicated in respect to login / SSO etc. Most of time multiple services are involved. The browser might take care of logging in automatically, but with Web HTTP/HTML protocol you have to take care.

    I made an edit to you question text because the question is too generic and will not help others when they look for comparable issue. (You might read the link in my signature for asking questions efficiently).

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