Parameterization in Java vuser protocol is not working

Hi Experts,

I am trying to parameterize a value in Java Vuser protocol but it is not replacing as expected.

Eg. I have parameterized recordNbr as shown below in my script

String recordNumber="{p_recordNbr}"


String messageStr="{\n\t \"leadiLoadHeaderId\": \"12345\",\n\t \"recordibr\":\{p_recardNbr}\",\n\t \"firstName......

// Here is the response I am getting. It's not replacing with parameter value but just print parameter name as below

// System.err: System.out: {p_recordNbr}
// System.out: {
//  "leadLoadHeaderId": "12345",
//  "recordNbr":"(p_recordNbr}",
//  "firstName": "abcdName",
//  "lastName": "xyzName",

Could anyone help to fix this issue ?

[EDIT] Put code in code block

  • Verified Answer



    In LR parameter are replaced in strings when they are used in a certain context. E.g. certain arguments of lr.* or web.* functions. Consult the LRP help and look for a section called PARAMETERIZATION.

    When you want to resolve parameters in other places you have to call explicitly to do so: see lr.eval_string(). E.g,:

    String recordNumber = lr.eval_string("{p_recordNbr}")

    Be careful with 'final' and 'static' Strings in combination with lr.eval_string().

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  • 0 in reply to   

    It's working even after using le.eval_string. but how to replace in messageStr. Can we write eval function directly? But it's not working or can we use variable recordNumber ? Could you suggest 

    String recordNumber =Ir.eval string("{p_recordNbr}");


    String messageStr="{\n\t \"leadLoadHeaderId\": \"12345\", \n\t \"recordlibr\":\"lr.eval_string("{p_recordNbr}"\, \n \t \"firstName\": \"abcName\"......



    Here is the output Notify: Parameter Substitution: parameter "p_recordNbr" "33447"

    System.out: 33447

    System.out: {

    "leadLoadHeaderId": "12345",

    "recordNbr" : "lr.eval_string("{p_recordNbr}")"

  • 0 in reply to   

    It's working even after using le.eval_string. but how to replace in messageStr. Can we write eval function directly? But it's not working or can we use variable recordNumber ? Could you suggest 

    String recordNumber =Ir.eval string("{p_recordNbr}");


    String messageStr="{\n\t \"leadLoadHeaderId\": \"12345\", \n\t \"recordlibr\":\"lr.eval_string("{p_recordNbr}"\, \n \t \"firstName\": \"abcName\"......



    Here is the output Notify: Parameter Substitution: parameter "p_recordNbr" "33447"

    System.out: 33447

    System.out: {

    "leadLoadHeaderId": "12345",

    "recordNbr" : "lr.eval_string("{p_recordNbr}")"

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