DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
Hi there forks,
has anybody tried to activate NTLM-Authentication in VTS? ==> IT works now
I'm working with MS Active Directory which supports NTLM via secure LDAPS.
VTS works perfect with TLS enabled. Take a look into "VTS TLS 1.2 1.3 configuration"
Only in the LoadRunner Enterprise 2023.01 under "Additional Components\Virtual Table Server" is the SetupVTS_2023R1.exe available. Not (yet) in the Market Place.
The help in VTS still links to Performance Center 12.6, but the actual help is in Vugen-Onine help VTS Configuration Help
My Experiences:
Take a look into my configuration which works fine.
"admin": { "authentication": "NTLM", "requireBasicAuthForAPI": false, "users": [ ], "role": { "administrator": [ "\\userid0", "\\useridc", "\\userid3", "\\userid4", "\\userid6" ], "user": [ "\\useridd" ] }, "domain": "", "domaincontroller": "ldaps://", "ldapsCert": "VTS02_pub_cert.pem", "ldapsCA": "VTS02_pub_cert.pem", "useSSL": true, "certificate": "VTS_pub_cert.pem", "privateKey": "VTS_private_key.pem", "passphrase": "secret", "ca": "VTS_pub_cert.pem", "minVersion": "TLSv1.2", "maxVersion": "TLSv1.3", "ciphers": "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:HIGH:!TLS_RSA:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK:!SRP:!CAMELLIA", "requestClientCert": false },
Hope tha helps a bit