Idea ID: 2879620

Provide ability to keep AWS LGs alive after the test completion in LRE and be able to shut them down when we trigger that action after our test completion.

Status: Waiting for Votes

The current functionality is after the Test completion in LRE, all the elastic LGs are shut down "automatically". If there is a need to run the next round of test immediately, we have to wait 12 to 15 minutes for the LGs to get provisioned with high chances of the same number of LGs unavailable to run the next round of test and eventually test run failure. There is a lot of time consumed and wasted to repeat the process when we are in middle of critical issues. We should be able to reuse the same LGs when we have to run tests consecutively.

Once we have completed our testing, there should be a way from LRE to shut down all the Load Generators after we have concluded our testing.

  •   ,

    What you are requesting fits more in the LoadGenerator Overfirewall concept (LGO). In our lab we run in AWS and have Adhoc LGs (ALG) and LGOs. We start our tests via Jenkins with LRE plugins. With Jenkins you can easily configure a script file that starts a number of LGOs; wait till all are up and running;  run your LRE test(s) and shut them down when done.

    But there is way to reduce the ALG startup considerably. We have it down to 5 to 6 minutes. You can create Launch templates and link it to your ALG AMI (select an AMI: Actions -> 'Configure fast launch'. In the Launch template you can specify how many preconfigured snapshots are created. Launching an ALG AMI, will first use these preconfigured snapshots. The amount of preconfigured snaphots is automatically corrected based on some max-value per hour. 

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