• Load Runner 2022 R2 - No Events getting recorded using HTTP protocol. Tried recording with Chrome and Edge.Application is not getting launched and its keep running for longer time. The events number is increasing, howevthe traffic is not getting generated...

    Hello Team, While recording the script on Load runner 2022 R2 using chrome or edge browser, I'm facing below issues 1. Sometimes events are increasing, however the application is not getting launched using both the browsers. 2. Also, using web browser…
  • LRE 2022 R1 VERSION Upgrade to Loadrunner version 2024.1 process steps

    Hi Team, Can anyone help me for process steps to upgrade LRE new version from LoadRunner 2022 R1 to LoadRunner 2024.1. LoadRunner 2024 Upgrade Procedure Before LoadRunner Upgrade During Upgrade After upgrade Kindly, please provide…
  • EXTRARES (Vugen Records Images with policy (Resized) but when I replay Vugen is trying to record the actual image

    EXTRARES (Vugen Records Images with policy (Resized) but when I replay Vugen is trying to record the actual image. Recoding: ""Url= ">image.XXXXXXXXX.com/.../XX40_3WET_94_XXX_XXX_NAVY_TIC_MAIN , ENDITEM, Replay: Aborting pending download of URL…
  • LoadRunner Analytic Service is missing on Host version LRE 2022 R1

    LoadRunner Analytic Service is missing on Host of version LRE 2022 R1, tried downloading and re-install, and no luck. Also noticed <Host install dir>\bin\AnalyticsSvc.exe folder does not contain AnalyticsSvc.exe as well. As a result of which we are…
  • LoadRunner - Azure Git Repository Integration

    Is it possible to Integrate LoadRunner Vugen with Azure Git Repository? I have 2-3 vugen script, which is being worked by 3-4 peoples. So what to start a versioning system for the Vugen Scripts, with Azure Git Repo, as our project already licensed to…
  • How to randomize the selection of action files by different users in LoadRunner Test?

    Hi, I have a requirement where each users need to open different actions files in a random manner, but also make sure all users accessed all action files. For example, lets say if I have 100 users and 10 actions files, 1 user should access first action…
  • (PC) Support tip: In PC12.50, Error: COM component with CLSID {07BCEDE8-0D0C-4195-BE71-02588ED0C3A2}

    Problem: PC 12.50P1 when attempting to monitor a running loadtest, shows error: Performance Center has encountered a fatal error. Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {07BCEDE8-0D0C-4195-BE71-02588ED0C3A2} from the IClassFactory failed…
  • (PC) Support tip: PC 12.55 showing slowness in page response for edit loadtest and runscreen

    Problem: In PC 12.55, when editing loadtests with large number of groups and also when navigating through various tabs in runscreen for a running loadtest, seeing general slowness in loading the pages. Problem shows up both with IE and Chrome browsers…
  • (PC) Support Tip: PC 12.55 does not automatically install .NET Framework 4.6 during installation

    When installing Performance Center server 12.55 on a localized operating system, Performance Center is unable to automatically install the .NET Framework 4.6.2 prerequisite if NET Framework 4.5.1 has not been installed. To resolve the problem install…
  • (PC) Support Tip: My Performace Center pages are not rendering correctly

    After installing the Performance Center 12.55 My Performance Center UI is not rendering correctly, there are some many pages affected. The issue is caused by working with an unsupported IIS configuration. Performance Center 12.20 (and later) does not…
  • (PC) Support tip: LAB PROJECT for 12.55

    When installing ALM 12.55 to avoid issues setting the Performance Center licenses you must perform the following after the ALM installation: 1. For a new ALM installation: You must repair the LAB_PROJECT in ALM Site Administration from the Lab Management…
  • (PC) Support Tip: How to change the timeout time of My PC

    Please change the timeout value from IIS on the PC server. For details, please check https://softwaresupport.hpe.com/km/KM03063219
  • (PC) Support tip: in PC12.53P4 HTML report throws error:HTTP error 500.19

    Problem: In PC12.53P4 when click to view HTML report, it throws error: HTTP error 500.19 - Internal Server error. The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid. Attached is the full error text Also…
  • (PC) Support tip: In PC12.50P1 IdentityChangerUtil throws error: Initialization error and app fails

    Error: In PC12.50P1 IdentityChangerUtil application is throwing error: " Initialization error - requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found". The error message also states the security passphrase is different between ALM and PCS…
  • (PC) Support tip: The Run Test button is non-functional

    Issue: When clicking on the Run Test icon from the ALM Desktop Client, the following error is presented: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". This is an unexpected behaviour in Performance Center 12.55. Workaround: You can successfully…
  • (PC) Support tip: Vusers in Stopped state - PC 12.53 after Patch 4

    Issue: When a Performance Center (PC) scenario is executed, around 10% of the vusers are going straight into “Stop” state. This is an unexpected behaviour that may occur after applying Patch 4 on PC 12.53. Solution: There is a fix to address this issue…
  • (PC) Support tip: In PC 12.53P4,MOFW shows blank graphs

    Problem: In PC12.53P4 using MOFW, when adding multiple monitored servers under Monitor Configuration, the system resources graph in test run screen shows 'no data'. The graph is blank online. It seems to display fine when adding only 1 server Solution…
  • (PC) Support tip: PC12.53P4 shows collation failures

    Problem: PC12.53P4 configured with Oracle DB shows collation failures sometimes at the end of test runs. Solution: There may be no errors showing up in PC side logs but the QC log in debug mode should show some error like: ORA-04036: PGA memory used by…
  • (PC) Support tip: Login Button in My PC 12.55 is Disabled

    When trying to log in a project using My Performance Center 12.55 in Google Chrome the Login button is disabled and it is not possible to log in. The issue will appear if the Username and the Password are saved in Google Chrome. To overcome the problem…
  • (PC) Support tip: Error: Vuser failed to initialize extension java_int.dll

    When running Java Vusers with a 64-bit JDK, the Vusers fail to initialize with the error: “Vuser failed to initialize extension java_int.dll” The failure occurs because the temporary folder of the “Local System” USER does not exist by default (Windows…
  • (PC) Support tip: During PC12.53P4 SA LG installation, symlink files does not get created

    Problem: During PC12.53P4 SA LG installation, there may be a case where the symlink files does not get created. As a result, the LoadRunner services like LR agent service and remote management service does not start or they may start and stop immediately…
  • (PC) Support tip: In PC12.x loadtests with IP Spoofing enabled show Vusers using wrong IP addresses

    Problem: In PC12.x loadtests with IP Spoofing enabled show Vusers using wrong IP addresses which are not from the list of newly added IPs. This is causing the Vusers to fail with error: "connection to the remote server failed" Not all the Vusers will…
  • (PC) Support tip: Analysis 12.53P4 crashes when using the SQLite DB option for processing results

    Problem: In PC 12.53P4, Analysisui.exe process keeps crashing when analyzing results set using SQLite database option. Same results work just fine when using MS Access or SQL Server. It keeps processing upto 95% progress and then Analysis application…
  • (PC) Support tip: Retrieving the COM class factory CLSID {000A6A0E-8973-480E-A541-D29749A4FB61}

    Runnning a system health check, we are getting the following error message from the PC server machine: "Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {000A6A0E-8973-480E-A541-D29749A4FB61} failed due to the following error: 8000401a The server…
  • (PC) Support tip: 404 Page Unavailable when triying to integrate PC with SiteScope

    When we are trying to integrate Perfomance Center with SiteScope using Topolgies and we try to add a monitor we are getting an error "404 Page Unavailable. The page you are trying to access is unavailable" To fix this issue : 1. Disable the IE ESC 2.…