• LRE 2022 R1 VERSION Upgrade to Loadrunner version 2024.1 process steps

    Hi Team, Can anyone help me for process steps to upgrade LRE new version from LoadRunner 2022 R1 to LoadRunner 2024.1. LoadRunner 2024 Upgrade Procedure Before LoadRunner Upgrade During Upgrade After upgrade Kindly, please provide…
  • Can we do Voice Testing using Loadrunner?

    Hi Team, I need to test voice testing for Web application where 500 users were speaking at same time and the audio should get convert to text. If 501 user speaks then the audio should not get converted to text. Do anyone have idea how to test it apart…
  • LRE2022 - Failed to Initialize. Reason: TimeOut

    On a TruClient test scenario, we keep getting a user or 2 that fail at the start with the following errors and matching timestamps. We have tried creating brand new scripts, brand new scenarios, and it still occurs intermittently. Cant figure out what…
  • Change default Log location

    Hello, I want to change the default log location of 1) <installationdir>orchidtmp\LTLogger\w3wp 2) <installationdir> \LTLogger\LRECore.API is it possible to change the location. Thanks, Tejas
  • In LRE2022 R1 trouble accessing repository items (scripts, results etc.) after restoring a project from the previous version 2020 SP1

    We are upgrading projects from version 2020 SP1 to 2022 R1, many of the projects got migrated successfully, however for few projects we are getting following error while fetching the scripts. This script file can not be fetched from…
  • LoadRunner Analytic Service is missing on Host version LRE 2022 R1

    LoadRunner Analytic Service is missing on Host of version LRE 2022 R1, tried downloading and re-install, and no luck. Also noticed <Host install dir>\bin\AnalyticsSvc.exe folder does not contain AnalyticsSvc.exe as well. As a result of which we are…