• How Do I analyze, why LRE fails to analyze a TestRun?

    I do have a more or less complex load profile with 4 scripts and with REST-Services (5vUser) and TrueClient-Scripts (200vUser). When I run the test for about 10-20 minutes, LRE does collate and analyze the testrun, but when I run with normal duration…
  • Facing an issue with LoadRunner License

    Hi, I recently activated my free LoadRunner Trial, on 11/13/2024 and was successfully using Virtual User Generator, Controller and the Analysis software until a few hours ago. I closed my Controller to generate a new script, and now when I opened it…
  • How is "Hits per Second" calculated / measured?

    I've never understood how LR can measure or calculate "hits per second". "Hits" implies something has reached its target. I believe the documentation claims it is when a request departs MDRV or the NIC. This is not the same as a hit, in my opinion. An…
  • LRE2022 - Failed to Initialize. Reason: TimeOut

    On a TruClient test scenario, we keep getting a user or 2 that fail at the start with the following errors and matching timestamps. We have tried creating brand new scripts, brand new scenarios, and it still occurs intermittently. Cant figure out what…
  • LRE 2022 R1 - Installing agent in Azure Landing Zone - Fails to get controller time, aborting lr_bridge

    Hi People We have installed many load generator agents, on premise, in AWS, Azure with restricted networks and never had any issue once we have the outbound connectivity to the MI Listener on port 443. We have installed a One LG Agent on a Windows…
  • Ports are getting closed after run completiion in loadrunner controller for websocket script

    Hi All, I am hitting connection refused error in websocket script after completion of my loadtest in loadrunner controller. while checking in the backend got confirmed that the port has beed closed by the application. where as same script running with…
  • Parameter file ( 2gb csv file ) not found while execution in controller

    Hi, We are running a single script in controller which has parameter file of 2gb in csv format. The script runs successfully in Vugen but is giving below errors when the scenario is started in the controller. We have tried from localhost as well as…
  • 90% response time is same as Maximum response time in Load Runner (Controller) Analysis window for TruClient script

    Hello All, Issue Description: 90% response time is updated same as the Maximum response time in Load Runner (Controller) Analysis window for TruClient script. There is no difference between them and I am unable to generate the correct report. Could…
  • LRE2020 SP1: Run test failed. Reason: Failed to download scripts to Controller

    Version : LRE2020 SP1 Issue : When a test set is mapped to same script multiple times, script download failure occurs during test initialization stage with below error in event log Run test failed. Reason: Failed to download scripts to Controller Root…
  • Run test failed. Reason: Failed to download scripts to Controller

    Version : LRE2020 SP1 (On perm) Issue : When a test set is mapped to same script multiple times, script download failure occurs randomly with below error in event logs (Run test failed. Reason: Failed to download scripts to Controller) Root cause from…
  • Import Standalone LoadRunner Controller Scenario into Performanc​e Center

    Hello, we have worked with LoadRunner Standalone for several months. During that time we created a huge set of scenarios for our test runs. In Loadrunner Controller we simply opened those sceanrios adjusted directory path for new tests and everything…
  • performance center 11 controller installation

    Hi All, I'm planning to install Hp performance center version 11. I have already installed 'Load generator' component on windows 2008 OS. How to install the 'controller' component. I need to install this component on separte five windows 2008 machines…