Performance Testing .dll file

Hi Loadrunner Community,

We are currently working on scripting external .dll (.net code) file using VUGen and we are facing some issue in doing so. We are able to load the .dll file with lr_load_dll() function but having issue in reading/loading the functions written inside a .dll file. Kindly help us with process/syntax/any pointers to load .dll file and reading/loading the functions written inside a .dll file.

Thanks in advance.

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    @Devi Singh,

    I've used lr_load_dll() myself a number of times and was able to call the external functions (user32.dll, kernel32.dll). They are imported by default.

    Not sure what happens when you use a .NET DLL. That one might only work in the context of .NET framework. What kind of protocol did you select? It might be that .NET protocol has special handling of .NET DLLs.

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    @Devi Singh,

    I've used lr_load_dll() myself a number of times and was able to call the external functions (user32.dll, kernel32.dll). They are imported by default.

    Not sure what happens when you use a .NET DLL. That one might only work in the context of .NET framework. What kind of protocol did you select? It might be that .NET protocol has special handling of .NET DLLs.

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