Why does LRE OneLG open port 5003?

Our LRE 2023 R1 OneLG load generators are using port 5003.  The Installation Guide doesn't mention port 5003 anywhere, ports are in pages 15-18 and also searched the entire PDF.  What is this port used for?

There are old threads discussing port 5003 but none of these links provides useful information:

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    I tried the changes in the article, but the port remains open. To be specific our LGs are LRE 2023 R1 OneLG running as a process.

    I stopped both the agent and the "LoadRunner Remote Management Agent" service, made the changes suggested in the article and restarted them.  TCPView shows 5003 was opened as soon as the agent was started (fwiw, the port closes when I close the agent).

    I also noticed that the ..\al_agent\dat\merc_agent.cfg file had the ExecutableName=alagentservice.exe & ExecutableProcName=alagentproc.exe, but the executables seem to have been renamed at some point to: magentservice.exe and magentproc.exe.  I updated the values with the new names (screenshot below) but the issues persists.