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In LRE, Virtual user crashes using TruClient Web protocol at specific count.

I'm experiencing problems when I run 100+ virtual users using TruClient Web script. 

Errors displayed are: 
t=00171078ms: Error -205177: RunLogic: The browser instance shut down unexpectedly! Trying to resume browser instance.    [MsgId: MERR-205177]
t=00502164ms: Internal Error -205176: In CVuser::Restart, failed to establish connection to browser.    [MsgId: MERR-205176]
Failed to Initialize. Reason: TimeOut
Unknown service (VuserNotifyEndStatusData) reached from host _____ on _____.

Parameter Setting: 
Select next row: Unique
Allocate Vuser values in the Controller: 1 values for each Vuser

Script contains: 
- 1 rendezvous
- 12 steps

LRE Setup: 
- 2 LG 
- Virtual User: 100 
- Schedule: Start - 1 every 3s Duration - Until complete

Please help me!

  • 0  

    Hi  ,

    TC is a heavy protocol that needs a lot of CPU resources. It is always a good habit to monitor the resource consumption of your LGs: CPU, Free Memory, Free Disk Space and Disk Usage.

    I guess that you overloaded your LG. You might find in your test results in LRE, at the message tab some messages that might indicate overloaded CPU. But when you are short on memory and LG starts swapping, CPU might not be that high.

    Note that an LG should not consume more than 60% of CPU capacity.

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    Hi  ,

    TC is a heavy protocol that needs a lot of CPU resources. It is always a good habit to monitor the resource consumption of your LGs: CPU, Free Memory, Free Disk Space and Disk Usage.

    I guess that you overloaded your LG. You might find in your test results in LRE, at the message tab some messages that might indicate overloaded CPU. But when you are short on memory and LG starts swapping, CPU might not be that high.

    Note that an LG should not consume more than 60% of CPU capacity.

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    Hi  ,

    Thank you for this response. Tried to update our LG to have 48 vCPU and 384 Memory and still it failed to execute more than 95 virtual user.

    Here is the graph: 

    CPU is the orange peak at the end. That occurred after having an error like what I've mentioned. Should I continue raising up the CPU and Memory of my load generator?