• LoadRunner in Cloud vs AWS marketplace

    Hi , May I also know what is the difference between LoadRunner in Cloud vs LoadRunner in AWS marketplace? Do I need an AWS account?
  • Unable to run a sample test getting error problem to allocate dedicate IPs for runtime component

    I setup load generators on my VM's and security team opened up the firewall and ports as well. I choose On-premise in Loadrunner cloud before running sample test. Microfocus has already assigned a dedicated IP which is hosted on AWS . When i…
  • Script not working in Stormrunner but is working in Vugen/Controller

    I have encountered an issue on Stormrunner and I can’t find a resolution to this issue. On one of the requests in my script, I want to be able to upload a file. This file won’t upload in Stormrunner but works fine in Vugen or the Controller when I execute…
  • Integrate App Dynamics Rest URLs/response time monitors into StormRunner

    Hi, I am trying to integrate App Dynamics monitors (response times, requests count, GC status, heap utilization, etc.) into StormRunner load with the 'Assets' functionality. However, when the AppDynamics is configurede, this is just showing just a handful…
  • Capture error messages in StormRunner

    Hi All, In StormRunner, I am running a load test, where we need to track some server-side generated values in transactions through error messages. Hence, i have added lr_error_messages in the scripts. The issue is I am not able to download the list of…
  • can multiple on-prem SRL agent use same key

    Hi, Is it possible to use the same key across multiple on-prem agent machines? if yes then would that mean even though in load scenario on SRL cloud we will just have one key specified but the load will be generated from those many machines added with…
  • Rest API for updating On-Prem Injectors

    Hi , I was checking the StormRunner REST API services for updating the details of LoadGenrators on Stormrunner Cloud There is an available API for updating the details of on-cloud Load generators. However is it possible to do the same for On-Prem generators…
  • Stormrunner load tests on AWS Cloud using fully automated DevOps pipeline

    Hi, This is regarding fully automated DevOps pipeline where in on the fly environment is provisioned on AWS cloud( EC2 instances for all app tiers), code compiled, binaries deployed and then tested using UFT and Stormrunner. Once over and results available…
  • StormRunner related queries

    Hi, I had a few queries regarding StormRunner :- 1) Does Stormrunner have a provision where we can login to the Load Generator for ensuring Screen Resolution and Color depth are uniform in order to allow Citrix Scripts to replay without failures on bitmap…
  • Live Webinar, 11, Januar: Testing in der Cloud

    read more at brighttalk Live Webinar, 11, Januar: Testing in der Cloud: Smart – Simpel – Skalierbar Erfahren Sie in diesem Live Webinar anhand ausgewählter Use Cases und einer spannenden Live Demo alles über den neuen StormRunner Functional…
  • IP used by on-premise LG to run scenario

    Hi, we've got on-premise LGs with multiple virtual IPs. We are running tests with 'multiple ip' option enabled. Is it possible to generate a report that shows which IP was used to run specific scenario? LG name would be also useful. Is there any information…
  • StormRunner Load integration with Splunk

    One of the features that was released with StormRunner Load 2.7 is a newly introduced integration with Splunk. With only a few configuration steps, you will be able to stream the errors from all of the scripts running within your load test to your Splunk…
  • TrueAPI script - first attempt

    So first try at using TrueAPI and I am attempting to follow the instructions here: https://stormhelp.saas.hpe.com/en/2.7/Content/Storm/TruAPI/lp_TruAPI.htm I got through the installation of Node.js I got a couple of npm warnings when installing the trueapi…
  • LoadRunner v. StormRunner - using UI user type (Licensing and usability questions)

    Hello, We're doing budget here, and have a bunch of options we need to clarify. We need to decide if we add to LoadRunner, or get Stormrunner VUHs, or some combination of both... We do testing across multiple projects in a standard year, so we're used…
  • Git integration in StormRunner - managing your testing scripts in Git

    This post was written by Wei Sun, Lynn Liu from the StormRunner Load R&D team As a performance engineer, you could have many testing scripts for various projects you are working on. To efficiently manage your testing artifacts, you need a version control…
  • Stormrunner download for AWS / Amazon environment

    i,Hi, i have the HP Stormrunner Load tester tool trial version,i did create a acct and installed the VuGen what else i need to do and do i have to install the Analizer or the Genarator or Monitor tool etc?could you walk me thrue or guide me to try the…
  • Stormrunner reporting:

    Hi, I have executed the same scenario multiple times and would like to create a combined analyis report for the tests. Is there a widget or a tool to combine the results and create graphics (e.g. bar graph) with the results? Because right now I can customize…