• Unable to download Controller - Controller is not available to download in the Community Edition Standalone Applications Package

    Hi there, I have signed up for free trial of LoadRunner and I was given the activation for of the following product: Product: LoadRunner Professional Product Name: LoadRunner Professional Evaluation Sub SW E-LTU Version: 24.1 I have downloaded…
  • How to add results email Subject and body content in pipeline job code

    We are implemented CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins on Performance center (LoadRunner Cloud (SAAS offering)). Pipeline job post execution results email working fine. So I have added Subject and body content in the pipeline job but getting two different…
  • Jenkins Pipeline Script: Send Email notification through (LoadRunner Cloud SAAS application)

    We are implemented CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins on Performance center (LoadRunner Cloud (SAAS offering)). Email notification plugins downloaded and done the SMTP configurations. New Pipeline job implemented with post results email notification its not…
  • Node.js CLI error or How to trigger script from command line for LoadRunner Cloud?

    Hi everyone! I am looking to trigger LoadRunner Cloud script from command line (Windows). I have tried to install Node.js CLI tool from here https://admhelp.microfocus.com/lrc/en/2023.11/Content/Storm/t_cli_tools.htm#Run_a_test_and_return_results…
  • Memory Related errors on Load runner cloud while load testing for gRPC APIs

    Hi All, I am woking as a tester in Infosys and currently doing load testing for gRPC APIs. When I run a test for a single POST method gRPC API with 300/500 concurrent users i have started getting LG alerts related to memory ,which i guess affects…
  • Zoom out functionality Code in Truclient Web protocol

    Hi, I have a business scenario that am creating script using TruClient Web protocol. There are some buttons which are not visible at 100% zoom but its visible at 80% zoom. Can someone please suggest how to implement zoom out in TruClient Web protocol…
  • How to upload pictures in LoadRunner cloud?

    Hello, I recorded a test case(Upload & design image) by Virtual User Generator - develop Script. I use full path image, the case can run successful on local. but when I export the case to zip file(add this image), then upload to cloud. Run this case…
  • Public API Samples - Update script file

    Is there any way to include 'Keep runtime settings' and 'include Run Logic' in the below sample public API reload-script.ps1 I used above reload-script.ps1 but it overridden the settings
  • Custom Logging to a Data File Using Loadrunner cloud-based load generators

    When using an ON-PREMISE Controller with ON-PREMISE Load Generators, it is occasionally necessary to include some custom logging code in the Vugen script that writes some test application specific data to a data file that is usually stored on the local…
  • Difference between Breakdown time of a transaction and Transaction Summary

    I understand that the breakdown time breaks down where the time goes on each transaction, but in a test I just ran the average time for a transaction is 40 seconds and the sum of all the breakdown times is 20 seconds. What does the rest of the time correspond…
  • How can I see the server load time per transaction in a test done with TruClient?

    I have prepared a complete test with TrueClient and it gives me the times per transaction from start of transaction to end (including render time), I would like to see for each transaction how much time is server load and how much is render time. For…
  • Load Testing of TruClient Script

    We have a requirement in which we want to load test our application with 5000 VUs. Each of the user will enter a different login information in the signup page. How can we use TruClient to write a script and then load test it against 5000 VUs with each…
  • Details of Client-side Measurements Graphs

    Hello Mircrofocus, LoadRunner has the below graphs under Client-side Measurements. I would like to ask the details like its functionality, variables/parameters..etc DOMContentLoaded Event DOM Interactive graph Page Load Event Duration I found…
  • Load runner Cloud integration with client network

    Hello there, We have a specific requirement for running a performance test cycle for a client based in Australia with Load runner Cloud using Truclient protocol. Now we would like to know how to connect client network with LoadRunner cloud. Now…
  • Ability to change the percentileTRT value when calling the API (test-runs/{runId}/transactions)

    Hello MicroFocus community, Is it possible to change the percentile that we get from the v1/test-runs/{runId}/transactions API? It always just gives the 90th percentile, but we're looking to get 95th and 99th also. I'm aware this can be done by…
  • View Snapshot API returns "Snapshot Not Exist" message

    When I click on the "Snap" icon, the loader keeps on loading. Refer to the attached snapshot LoadRunner Cloud Version: 2021.10 Tenant id- 178690040 Note- All snapshot-related settings look perfect.
  • Data streaming capability in LRC with InfluxDB

    Is anyone actively working on data streaming capability in LRC with InfluxDB. Looking at the feature, looks like there are lot of limitations on what can be done & achieved. For example, ability to segregate applications/products or ability to switch…
  • VTS for LoadRunner

    We are using VTS table for our LoadRunner vuser scripts. Currently we are moving to LoadRunner Cloud. So how can I integrate the VTS installed in my company network Server to the LoadRunner Cloud.
  • Accessing shared folder .dat files

    We leverage accessing a shared folder of dat files for multiple scripts using the ..\shared\<datfilename>.dat and utilise Unique Once (and/or block size) to allow for a single data file with a set of test data to be maintained in one place and have mutliple…
  • How to import libraries in TruClient protocol

    We are trying to capture secrets from AWS secrets manager in loadrunner Web HTTP/HTML and TruClient Protocols. For Web HTTP/HTML, we wrote a custom Python script to return the values and executed it by invoking a command window from vugen and the solution…
  • LoadRunner in Cloud vs AWS marketplace

    Hi , May I also know what is the difference between LoadRunner in Cloud vs LoadRunner in AWS marketplace? Do I need an AWS account?
  • Unable to run a sample test getting error problem to allocate dedicate IPs for runtime component

    I setup load generators on my VM's and security team opened up the firewall and ports as well. I choose On-premise in Loadrunner cloud before running sample test. Microfocus has already assigned a dedicated IP which is hosted on AWS . When i…
  • Azure devops unable to connect to LRC...

    Hi Team, I am unable to connect to LRC from Azure devops. I have created service connection in Azure and provided server URL https://loadrunner-cloud.saas.microfocus.com and username( ravi.shankar021@xxx.com ) and credential to connect. But getting…
  • LR CLoud test runtime settings vs script run time settings

    LR CLoud test runtime settings vs script run time settings i have noticed script runtime settings are updating to load test/scenario after a change in script. is it Loadtest run time settings should take precedence or script runtime settings?
  • web_set_sockets_option for HTTPS

    I am getting the below error when executed using LR Cloud Error -27745: Cipher TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA used by current SSL connection is not supported by HTTP2. Use web_set_sockets_option to supply suitable ciphers. [MsgId: MERR-27745]…