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While trying to connect to LR Git Cloud Git Agent, it shows "Unable to get local user certificate" error

After giving the Loadrunner Cloud Agent details (username, password and tenant id) and Git Repo details, once i click on save and test, I am getting an error "Unable to get local issuer certificate". How can i resolve this issue?

Error message for Git Agent : session - login ( error: Error: unable to get local issuer certificate

  • 0  

    Hello Jeby Jacob,

    LRC uses standard “git” command to interact with Git repositories.
    The “git” command is installed & configured by customers on the machine which is not part of LRC Git agent.

    The certificate error is for the connection between “git” command and Git repository.

    To allow LRC Git agent to access the target Git repository, customers should be able to use “git” command to access it on the machine.

    Is it possible to try the below command?
    git ls-remote <git SSH URL>

    If it doesn't work, I suggest to talk to your git admin.


  • 0  

    Hello Jeby Jacob,

    LRC uses standard “git” command to interact with Git repositories.
    The “git” command is installed & configured by customers on the machine which is not part of LRC Git agent.

    The certificate error is for the connection between “git” command and Git repository.

    To allow LRC Git agent to access the target Git repository, customers should be able to use “git” command to access it on the machine.

    Is it possible to try the below command?
    git ls-remote <git SSH URL>

    If it doesn't work, I suggest to talk to your git admin.


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