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How to get TPS based on script duration instead of total run duration

Is there a way to get TPS based on the duration of a script instead of the duration of the total run?  Simple example as follows.  For the first 10 minutes, the first script runs with 5 users.  For the second 10 minutes, the second scripts with 20 users.  I want to see a TPS for the first script for 5 users at 10 minutes and a TPS for the second script for 20 users at 10 minutes.  The TPS that LoadRunner Cloud is providing for each script is based on the 20 minute total, which is useless.  Instead, I have to download the CSV data to add my own calculations.  Is there a way to achieve this within LoadRunner Cloud?

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    Dear Robert,

    In LRC, there are TPS presented in transaction summary table and TPS widget (graph).
    From your information, I believe that you refer to TPS in transaction summary table that will show the the average transactions per second since the start of the test run till the end of test.
    If you want to see only the specific period that script run, you can use TPS widget (graph) and select your interested time frame.

    For more information about Dashboard, please visit:

    For more information about Customize time frame, please visit:


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    Thanks.  That solution does work, but it would be great if that info came standard on the report that is generated from the runs w/o requiring the manual effort to set the timeframes on the UI.  Please consider that as a future enhancement.  There are several other mentions in the community as well about similar issues with being able to exclude the ramp up time from reports.

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    Thanks.  That solution does work, but it would be great if that info came standard on the report that is generated from the runs w/o requiring the manual effort to set the timeframes on the UI.  Please consider that as a future enhancement.  There are several other mentions in the community as well about similar issues with being able to exclude the ramp up time from reports.
