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What is the turn around for LoadRunner Professional licence?

Could you help me to undestand what is the turn around for a LoadRunner Professiona license?

In other words, how many days/weeks prior the planned date for tests  to start do i need to purchase a License for LoadRunner Professional?


Thank you in advance,


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    Hi, you have submitted this question in the LoadRunner Cloud community, and the question is about LoadRunner Profesional (LRP), if this indeed about LRP then you may want to submit this question in the LRP section, or even better contact your Micro Focus rep.  

    Regarding LRC, the turnaround can be very quick, suggest you reach out to a rep to discuss the specifics if indeed the intention is to use LRC, although the license can be provided very quickly, I would suggest not to wait until the last minute because you want to check your configuration and communication between LRC and your AUT ahead of time. 




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    Hello Sharon,


    Indeed, the question on license is for both, LRC and LRP. you mentioned that turn around for LRC license is quick, but could you mention the number of days? i would agree on your advise, yet i would like to undestand how much lead time the LRC license needs to be requested to your team or online to plan accordingly.

    Thank you in advance,


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    Hello Sharon,


    Indeed, the question on license is for both, LRC and LRP. you mentioned that turn around for LRC license is quick, but could you mention the number of days? i would agree on your advise, yet i would like to undestand how much lead time the LRC license needs to be requested to your team or online to plan accordingly.

    Thank you in advance,


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    Hi Marco,

    If you purchase the license online then the license should apply immediately, if you purchase via an MF rep, you will be able to address the license turn around with him/her, with a proper heads up, there should not be an issue to generate the license within one business day, and even within less than 24 hours, but this later case (purchase via a rep) will have to be addressed with the MF rep and not via the community portal.  

