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Knowledge Doc: UFT One goes to "Not responding" state when executing a test that uses a breakpoint in the function library (FL)


When a breakpoint is added to where the .qfl file is associated, UFT goes to "Not responding" state. However, the issue is not encountered when associating the affected .qfl file with the driver. This article contains the workarounds and fixes for that issue.


UFT One 2023 and above


UFT One goes to the "Not responding" state when executing a test that uses a breakpoint in the function library (.qfl file).

  • As part of this issue, if the user uses the "Step into" feature, it can land on a different line (it may even be in a different FL).
  • In some cases, separating the large .qfl file may fix the issue.



It might be due to a portion of the script being within the dynamically loaded function library. UFT needs time to parse the script, update breakpoint information, and navigate the editor window to the corresponding FL. The more script lines there are, the longer it takes. UFT has saved breakpoints for dynamically-loaded FLs since UFT 2021.

For resolution please refer to the complete knowledge document.


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