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NEW COURSE: UFT One v15.x Certified Professional Exam

Micro Focus Education is pleased to announce the release of its latest offering within the ADM portfolio.






Exam SKU:

UFT One v15.x Certified Professional Exam

Portfolio Manager:

Paul Caruana


Sriram Kunhi Krishnan

Exam Type:

Digital online, Non-proctored


2 Hours





This exam is recommended for individuals who are Quality Assurance engineers or any new users of UFT.



This exam verifies and validates that you can understand and use the Unified Functional Testing (UFT) version 15.x application as an automated functional testing tool.


Why should you earn this accreditation? 

•             To gain a deeper understanding of UFT One.

•             Define the purpose of UFT One.

•             Use UFT to automate GUI and API tests.


The exam consists of the following:

•             Number of items: 48

•             Exam time: 2 hours

•             Passing score: 70% 

Each question has a time duration of 2 minutes to be attempted by the student, failure to mark a response within the stipulated time will move the student to the next question on the block.  

The questions will be of multiple choice type.  .

Prerequisites/recommended courses:

To be successful in this exam, it is recommended that you should have attended the Software training course- UFT120 - Unified Functional Testing Essentials (UFT ONE)

Education Central Link:

Micro Focus Marketplace Education

Certification and Learning Path:

For certification and learning paths of ADM/Functional Testing, see Application Delivery Management Paths


Road Map URL:

For more information on courses that are in development, see Roadmap of Course Development

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