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NEW COURSE: UFTO01SP-L3-15 – Managing Objects using Object Repository in UFT One Digital Learning


Micro Focus Education is pleased to announce the release of its latest offering within the ADM portfolio.



Training Type:

eLearning: New Style of Learning


Approximately 1 hour plus hands-on, self-paced, online eLearning


This course is intended for Automation Testers.


Simulations are included as demonstrations and hands-on exercises.


As a UFT Automation Tester, you need to learn about UFT One and the enhancements available in UFT One 15.x. In this lesson, you will learn how to record and run.

Course Description:

This learning series comprises of 6 lessons. In this lesson, you will learn about the UFT One Object Model. This online course about the test object model, shared object repository, and talks about AI-Based testing in UFT One.

This course is developed using the Micro Focus Adoption Readiness Tool (ART). ART content provides easy access to self-paced learning content enabling users to not only dive into an online course but also to gain direct access to individual components to quickly master specific tasks.


The demonstrations in this course use UFT One 15.0. This course has the following demonstrations:

·         Use Object Spy

·         Add AUT Objects to the Local Object Repository

·         Highlight Objects

·         Locate and Update an Object

·         Change the Logical Name and Physical Description

·         Create Visual Relationships Identifiers

·         Create an AI-Based Testing

·         Convert the Local Object Repository to Shared Object Repository

·         Create a Shared Object Repository

·         Associate a Shared Object Repository with an Action


To be successful in this course, you need to have a working knowledge of UFT One.

View Central Link:

Micro Focus Education

Education Central Link:

Micro Focus Marketplace Education

Certification and Learning Path:

This offering supports UFT Automation testers with the knowledge and skills needed to obtain the UFT One Specialist Badge and the UFT One Certified Professional Badge (future).  For certification and learning paths of ADM, see Application Delivery Management Paths


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