Microfocus UFT One version Error when Creating New GUI test

Software: Microfocus UFT One
Windows 10
Add-in loaded: Web

I am getting the error below when launching a new GUI test or opening a GUI test.

I have done re-installation and repair of Microfocus UFT several times and still getting the issue.

Error in UFT Log file below:

2025-02-05 09:24:21,315 LogCatASSERT [ 1] ERROR MIC_LOG_ASSERT. Expression: (((HRESULT)(hr)) >= 0) && spDispMicParType!=0 Func=CMicParamTypeMgr::Init File=e:\ft\qtp\win32_release\2021.1.0.870\qtp\backend\core\parameters\parammgr\app\micparammgr\micparametertypemgr.cpp Line=220 ThreadID=4272 ProcessID=5456
2025-02-05 09:25:18,977 ExceptionFormatter [ 1] ERROR System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8004032C): Exception de HRESULT : 0x8004032C
à QTP.BackEnd.Core.DocumentIfsLib.ILogger.SetRegistryRoot(String Root)
à HP.QTP.Backend.Common.Utils.ReservedObjectsInitializer.SetLoggerRootValueFromSettings(ILogger reporter, IScriptSetting appSettings)
à HP.QTP.Backend.Common.Utils.ReservedObjectsInitializer.InitReporter(Object rackObj, IQtServicesProvider servicesProvider, TestInfoBase testInfo)
à HP.QTP.Backend.Features.ExecutionFeature.TestExecutionFeature.InitializeFeature(ExecutionFeatureContextProperties context)
à HP.QTP.Backend.Features.ExecutionFeature.TestExecutionFeature..ctor(ExecutionFeatureContextProperties context)
à HP.QTP.Backend.Features.FeaturesFactory.TestBaseFeatureFactory.CreateTestExecutionFeature(ExecutionFeatureContextProperties context)
à HP.QTP.Backend.Entities.TestDocumentBase`1.RegisterTestExecutionFeature()
à HP.QTP.Backend.Entities.TestDocumentBase`1.RegisterFeatures(IRelationsManager3 relationsManager)
à HP.QTP.Backend.Entities.TestDocument.RegisterFeatures(IRelationsManager3 relationsManager)
à HP.QTP.Backend.Builders.ItemBuilders.TestBuilderBase`2.CreateTestDocument(TInfo testInfo, ITestInitiator testInitiator, IRelationsManager3 relationsManager)
à HP.QTP.Backend.Builders.ItemBuilders.TestBuilderBase`2.New(String path, IEntity owner, Boolean performSave)
à HP.QTP.Backend.Builders.ItemBuilders.TestBuilderBase`2.New(String path, IEntity owner)
à HP.QTP.Backend.Builders.ItemBuilders.BuilderBase`2.HP.QTP.Backend.Common.IBuilder.New(String path, IEntity owner)
à HP.QTP.Backend.EntitiesFacade.Managers.EntitiesManagerBase.InternalNew(String path, IEntity owner)
à HP.QTP.Backend.EntitiesFacade.Managers.EntitiesManagerBase.New(String path, IEntity owner)
à HP.QTP.BackEndServices.BackEndManager.<>c__DisplayClass92_0.<NewTest>b__0(Object dummyCreateInfo)
à HP.UFT.Common.Cache`2.GetOrCreate[TCreationInfo](TIdentifier identifier, Func`2 objectGenerator, TCreationInfo creationInfo)
à HP.QTP.BackEndServices.BackEndManager.NewTest(String testname, Boolean isTempTest)
2025-02-05 09:25:18,977 HP.QTP.BackEndServices [ 1] ERROR Failed to create a new test in BE.


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    Will you check if the registry keys below are available for the user? If so, please contact the Support team and open a CPE case for further investigation.
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    Yes this registry entry is present.

  • Suggested Answer

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    when we upgraded from UFT 15.x to 21 we've got several problems. We had to work a lot to make it works properly. For example we had problems with API test creating with old versions because the log4net library had changed the version. 

    What we had to do was to work with R&D to fix these libs:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT One\addins\ServiceTest\BaseDataProviders\HP.ST.Ext.CustomDataProviders.dll
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT One\addins\ServiceTest\BaseDataProviders\HP.ST.Ext.CustomDataProvidersUI.dll
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT One\addins\ServiceTest\BasicActivities\HP.ST.Ext.BasicActivities.dll
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT One\addins\ServiceTest\BasicActivities\VTDBasicActivity.resources
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT One\addins\ServiceTest\BasicActivities\StartActivity.xml
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT One\addins\ServiceTest\CSharpTranslationLayer\HP.ST.Fwk.CSharpTranslation.dll
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT One\addins\ServiceTest\Kafka\HP.ST.Ext.KafkaRunTime.dll
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT One\bin\HP.ST.Ext.QCIntegrationAddin.dll
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT One\bin\HP.ST.Fwk.SOAReplayAPI.dll
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT One\bin\HP.ST.Fwk.KafkaFWK.dll
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\UFT One\bin\MobilePackage.dll

    Consider that for KAFKA the problem was in the authentication module that we used.

    I know that I'm not giving you a solution but I would like you to know the potential problems you should encounter.

    The main issues were on interact with DataTable, Run form ALM and something relating to API test that retrieve the error page you attached after the upgrade process.

    After the fixes were done, UFT works properly. When we upgraded to the 23.4 version we have done 2 months of no regression test on UFT before to distributed it to all the organization and we could see that it was quite stable. There was only a particular problem that was fixed soon. 


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    Thanks for the reply, in fact my version was upgraded from 15.0.1.
    I will try a clean uninstall using the procedure given by opentext Clean Uninstall UFT One and install again.

  • Suggested Answer

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    The clean uninstall worked for me, UFT is now running GUI tests!