Idea ID: 2874271

Make React Native an officially supported technology in UFT One and UFT MC for automated testing

Status: Accepted

After submitting a report to the official support, we have determined the need for a full official support of React and React Native technologies both through UFT One and UFT Mobile Center.

We especially expressed the need to be able to use UFT One's Object Recognition tools in accordance with a React Native Mobile application we are developping.

This would include both softwares as we want to be able to recognise React Native object through UFT MC (React Native adds a layer to its applications that we want UFT to pass through, right now it doesn't) and add the recognised object to our custom local repositories in UFT One, thus creating objects that have all the properties we need (such as id, innertext, type, visible, role, innerhtml, accessibility id and so on...which we do not have at the moment, having only "Mobile Object" type of object with limited properties accessible)

Moreover, we are seing more and more mobile AND web application developped using React technologies, and feel it would be a valuable addition to UFT's capabilities if a new add-in was to be created specifically for them. 

We have seen a few other people posting the same need in the community, and hope we could be supported in our request, do not hesitate to vote it up or comment on it!

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