• UFT Developer 24.2 - MacOs Ventura and Sonoma Support

    Hi, I have 2 questions. 1st is related to UFT 24.2 and MacOs Ventura: In UFT Developer documentation ( https://admhelp.microfocus.com/documents/uftdev/PAM/UFTDev_24.2_PAM.html#Operating%20Systems ) I found that Ventura is now supported but contact…
  • Is WPF Extensibility supported in UFT Developer?

    I am migrating UFT one project to UFT Developer. In UFT one, we used to have a ApplicationToolKit, which has set of dlls. This Application toolkit was added in the C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenText\Microfucous Unified Functional Testing\dat\extensibility…
  • Breakpoints are not working in new version of UFT (23.4)

    Hello team I'm Suresh V. We recently installed the most recent version of UFT (2023), but I'm having trouble debugging scripts with breakpoints. 1. I had scripted for a manufacturing application, so the function library has more than 30,000…
  • error when launcing uft developer on macOs ventura

    Hi, when launching UFT 2023 on macos ventura i receive this error. Any one have an idea? thanks
  • UFT Developer AppModel Code Generator (appmodel-generator-mojo) plugin starts the code generation process for each AppModel present in the UFT Developer Maven project (Java) even if there haven't been any changes to those files since the last generat...

    It is taking too long to build and compile UFT Developer (2022.0.0) Maven Project due to AppModel code generation trigger for all (400) AppModel files (.tsrx) present in my project while saving Project in Eclipse or building through maven command. Need…
  • UFT Developer Runtime crashing after seconds

    After installing UFT Developer (v2023.0.0585) with a Trial license, when I try to launch the UFT Developer Runtime, it launches for ~18 seconds, and then exits without any error prompt. This happen regardless of how I launch it (Start shortcut, Command…
  • Cannot start the Edge browser

    Hi there, I'm using leanft v2021.1.0.399. From my code I'm trying to open the edge browser (In C#): BrowserFactory.Launch(BrowserType.Edge); And I get a "General error occured" exception. Anyone knows what may be the reason for that?
  • Issue installing UFT developer

    ufT DEVELOPER\prerequisites\dotnet_desktop_runtime6_3\windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.3-win-x64/norestart/passive. Exit code 1638
  • Send results to TFS from Visual Studio Using UFT Developer

    Please can someone show me how to locate the test results in tfile explorer for UFT Developer when it runs in Visual studio?
  • Error when using setvalue on filefield object

    When performing an execution via jenkins in docker, when trying to perform the setvalue command on a filefield object I receive the following error message "com.hp.lft.sdk.GeneralLeanFtException: Operation not supported or requested technology package…
  • In Java Swing application can a child window of the main window be part of the object attributes?

    We have a Java Swing application and there are multiple instances of the same object - for example, a Cancel button. The Object model is creating all objects as children of the main window. We want to have child windows under the main window as part of…
  • Uft Developer datatable object

    I'm using Uft Developer and I want to use an excel file to parametrize the behaviours of my java scripts. I Use eclipse to develope my scripts. Is there an object like "datatable" used to create scripts in Uft with VB scripts? I need to migrate many…
  • defference between uft One and uft developper

    I want to export my test data in json. I want to access by postman to my test data. Is it with UFT developer i can do it or uFt one?
  • API Testing with UFT Developer

    Hi, Does UFT developer supports rest assured jars to do the Rest API Automation? I can see only "com.hp.lft.sdk.apitesting.uft" package which contains Runner and Reporting Jars. Is there any way to implement Rest assured api automation framework…
  • Is it possible to use MQTT over websockets in UFT ?

    I need to connect to an MQTT broker over websockets over a secure server but the mqtt ports are blocked. I somehow need to perform a test , which includes establishing a connection to the mqtt broker and subscribing to a topic but over websockets. It…
  • UFT Developer TestNG test does not terminate after test completion

    Hi, I have created a UFT Developer Application Model test with TestNG. I have no issues with the test execution but after the test gets completed , the test does not terminate and i have to manually click on 'Terminate' to stop the test. I trigger…
  • License cost for UFT Developer

    anyone know the license cost for UFT developer ?
  • UFT Developer and Excel

    Greetings, Does anyone have any examples of using UFT Developer with Excel? I would like to see how UFT Developer can select and update a cell in a spreadsheet. Thank you.
  • Support for VS 2022, VC Code and .NET 6?

    Hi UFT Developer Team, we are wondering when the UFT Developer extension/plugin will finally support Visual Studio 2022. We were a bit surprised that this was not included in the last major release 2022? Furthermore, we would like to know if there…
  • Object identification

    Hi all, I have started to use UFT developer few days back, Previously I was using UFT One. I need to know how can we identify winform objects in UFT Devloper. As my AUT is built on winforms. And I even want to understand how can script with out…
  • Web + Desktop automation for UFT Developer

    I have a project whose app starts with a web process, and later one can choose to edit an excel or word file with the desktop application. How can I add a project on UFT Developer that allows me to work both with selenium to start with, and then with…
  • Headless Chrome in version 2021.1.0.399

    Hi there! I'm trying to run tests in a headless environment using UFT Developer version 2021.1.0.399, Java 17, Chrome 101.0.4951.67 and ChromeDriver 101.0.4951.41 updated on bin\WebDriver subdirectory. The test runs with no problem in headed mode…
  • Not able to Start UFT Developer Runtime engine

    Got the latest Trail version UFT Developer Evaluation Sub SW E-LTU and installed on Windows 7. But the Runtime Engine is not getting started. Below mentioned runtime.log details. Note : I observed that the error is occuring when it is trying to…
  • Unable to Launch FlightGUI.exe in UFT Developer

    Hello, I exploring UFT Developer and started writing sample scripts to open FlightGUI.exe application using below code , Even also not opening calc and notepad Please help me. @Test public void test() throws Exception { String appPath = "C:\\Program…
  • Error in POM.xml while using application model generator plugin

    Hello All I am getting error in pom.xml if i uncomment or add application model generator plugin steps.Error is coming at the step marked in BOLD below. Error says "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: com.hpe.lft:appmodel-generator…