UFT Developer 24.2 - MacOs Ventura and Sonoma Support


I have 2 questions.

1st is related to UFT 24.2 and MacOs Ventura:

In UFT Developer documentation (https://admhelp.microfocus.com/documents/uftdev/PAM/UFTDev_24.2_PAM.html#Operating%20Systems) I found that Ventura is now supported but contact with support is needed:

* To use UFT Developer on MacOS Ventura, please contact the support team.

Could someone help with that? What needs to be done? 

2nd question is connected to UFT 24.2 and MacOs Sonoma (not officially supported):

I found that on Sonoma and UFT v24 similar issue occur as for v23 and Ventura, described under following topic:

 error when launcing uft developer on macOs ventura 

For above config I'm getting the same error (as was raised for UFT 23 and Ventura) - is there any workaround for that?

node version: 


Java version:

openjdk version "17.0.2" 2022-01-18

Intel based macbook pro (not apple silicon).

Thanks for help!