UFT Developer 24.2 - MacOs Ventura and Sonoma Support


I have 2 questions.

1st is related to UFT 24.2 and MacOs Ventura:

In UFT Developer documentation (https://admhelp.microfocus.com/documents/uftdev/PAM/UFTDev_24.2_PAM.html#Operating%20Systems) I found that Ventura is now supported but contact with support is needed:

* To use UFT Developer on MacOS Ventura, please contact the support team.

Could someone help with that? What needs to be done? 

2nd question is connected to UFT 24.2 and MacOs Sonoma (not officially supported):

I found that on Sonoma and UFT v24 similar issue occur as for v23 and Ventura, described under following topic:

 error when launcing uft developer on macOs ventura 

For above config I'm getting the same error (as was raised for UFT 23 and Ventura) - is there any workaround for that?

node version: 


Java version:

openjdk version "17.0.2" 2022-01-18

Intel based macbook pro (not apple silicon).

Thanks for help!

  • Verified Answer


    Hello Grzegorz,

    For the first question, you need to contact the support team because for the mentioned OS version there is an issue with the IDE plugins, which have to be manually installed. The support team will provide you the indications to fix that issue. The solution is also documented here: Install UFT Developer for Mac (microfocus.com)

    For the second question, the issue seems to be that you try to launch the UFT Developer engine using the application. The correct way to open the engine is by opening a terminal at <UFT Developer installation folder> and run the following command: ./leanft start

    UFT Developer is generally used with an IDE, from where you can use the UFT Developer's features with its specific UI.

    If you want to use the Object Identification Center or the Test Recorder tools without an IDE (on standalone mode) you can check the following Help Center links:

    Object Identification Center (microfocus.com)Record GUI operations (microfocus.com).

    Best regards,


  • Verified Answer


    Hello Grzegorz,

    For the first question, you need to contact the support team because for the mentioned OS version there is an issue with the IDE plugins, which have to be manually installed. The support team will provide you the indications to fix that issue. The solution is also documented here: Install UFT Developer for Mac (microfocus.com)

    For the second question, the issue seems to be that you try to launch the UFT Developer engine using the application. The correct way to open the engine is by opening a terminal at <UFT Developer installation folder> and run the following command: ./leanft start

    UFT Developer is generally used with an IDE, from where you can use the UFT Developer's features with its specific UI.

    If you want to use the Object Identification Center or the Test Recorder tools without an IDE (on standalone mode) you can check the following Help Center links:

    Object Identification Center (microfocus.com)Record GUI operations (microfocus.com).

    Best regards,


  • 0 in reply to   


    You're right - running leanft from cmd line starts the engine. 

    I checked that by running ./leanft info command - engine is up and runnig.

    Unfortunately - aftert that, when I'm trying to run oic-leanft or by menu in IntelliJ I'm getting following error:


    settings also doesn't work:


    Any idea?

    Also - is there way to configure leanft by config file (I need to add support for Oracle forms).
