ImageUtils.LocateText not working


I'm new to UFT Developer and want to click on a specific text inside a StdWin.IUiObject.

I've tried first GetTextLocations ==> nothing was retrieved

I've tried GetVisibleText ==> i have all the visible text in my test object separated by some CRLF \n\r

I've tried ImageUtils.LocateText using the image retrieved using IUiTestObject.GetSnapshot ==> nothing was retrieved

I've tried ImageUtils.GetText using the image retrieved using IUiTestObject.GetSnapshot ==> i have all the visible text equal to the one retrieved using GetVisibleText.

Have i missed something ? please help me.

With Regards.


  • 0  

    Hello O. Nadjemi,

    If this issue is critical for you, I recommend opening a ticket to receive proper assistance.

    In situations like this, I would typically review logs and see an example of your attempts on a sample test application to better pinpoint the problem.

    Best regards,


  • 0  

    Hello O. Nadjemi,

    If this issue is critical for you, I recommend opening a ticket to receive proper assistance.

    In situations like this, I would typically review logs and see an example of your attempts on a sample test application to better pinpoint the problem.

    Best regards,


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