Idea ID: 2879563

LoadRunner Enterprise 24.1 - Timeslot Functionality Modification

Status: Waiting for Votes

In LoadRunner Enterprise 24.1, we have noted following behaviors with timeslot module:

- If timeslot is booked for Manual mode it creates new timeslot while trying to consume it during scenario execution.
- If timeslot is booked for Automatic for 30 mins period, then once scheduled execution is completed timeslot is released. However, if timeslot is booked for more than 30 mins period, then once scheduled execution is completed timeslot is split into new timeslot with remaining duration.

Firstly this needs to be better documented and communicated.

Also, there has to be uniformity across both types of bookings (Automatic/Manual) irrespective of duration. Why not allow user to be able to utilize shortest of available duration from his booking instead of releasing timeslot incase of Automatic (when booked for 30 mins) or created new timeslot when timeslot was booked as Manual.

Please consider this as enhancement to LRE 24.1
