LRE API - Timeslots - Is there a way to filter by time or status

I was wondering if there is a way to filter retrieving timeslots.?

So far all I can get is the entire list of timeslots.


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    Hi  , The documentation seems not complete.

    I'm looking up a single timeslot found in a Run by adding the timeslot-id to the GET URL in python:


    So try to experiment with the API URLs, there is more possible than documented.

    Note you might also examine what the LRE UI is doing. The UI uses an internal set of APIs, and those might also be useful as last resort (but not documented and might not be stable from one release to the next.) Note that you have to switch first to the right domain/project.

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    I have that request working.   Looking more for a request that returns a filtered subset of timeslots


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