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[Micro Focus] Announcing GA of Micro Focus Dimensions RM 12.6.1

We are pleased to announce the general availability of Micro Focus Dimensions RM 12.6.1. This release is focused on enhancements intended to improve specific requirements management capabilities and further enhance the usability for key features.

Primary Features of Dimensions RM 12.6.1

Usability Enhancements

    - New Recent Items view
    - Enhanced Change Impact Analysis
    - Copy categories with entire content
    - Modernized forms with new horizontal tabs

Reporting Improvements

    - Enhanced report handing in Home View
    - Change report category by drag and drop
    - Export entire dashboards to Powerpoint and PDF
    - Multi-selection in Traceability Reports

Document Improvements

    - New document change log
    - Enhanced snapshot numbering
    - Copy documents including links

Please see release overview slides attached.