• how to use DMINPUT in BUILD

    Hi All kindly need some advice, our customer had request to make build configuration. their dev make some Makefile this case in linux so the only call like /.../<path to shell file>/ /../<location of source code>/ <nameofmodule> i.e. /shell…
  • Combine User Attributes

    If a user has multiple roles on a request status in a life-cycle they are only able to view/update attributes for 1 role at a time, which requires them to update the attributes for 1 role, save then re-open the request and change the role section to the…
  • Less Cryptic Error Messages

    Currently the Webclient displays error messages that our users do not understand for example if a user does not complete a mandatory attribute the error message would display the database name of the attribute not the User Prompt. Could error messages…
  • Clone a Request, with/without attributes, with/without related Items/Requests

    In our organization, we manage a quite high volume of requests (about 3000 per year). Each request has to be created manually, usually by populating several attributes (up to 10 or 20), and sometimes by recording complex relationships between the Request…
  • Web client: Image of the lifecycle highlighting the current status of a Request (or an Item)

    In our organization, we have numerous (21 actually) and fairly complex Request lifecycles, and it's often not easy for a user to remember by heart the different statuses and transition rules, or to fully understand where they are in the lifecycle and…
  • Web client: Search field above attribute column to filter results on Request or Item views

    The web client is currently limited when it comes to searching for values in an attribute column: values are sorted alphabetically and the sorting can be either descending or ascending. This may be appropriate if there are only a few requests in the Inbox…
  • Web Client: Select Requests or Items attributes to view by drag-and-drop

    Web cleint: At present, it is not very intuitive to customize columns to view lists of Requests or Items. The user has to open the Preferences, open the “area to customize” - which is quite long - understand that the relevant area is the “Requests table…
  • Enable correlation of values between two attributes not being part of a hierarchical valid set

    Currently, the only way to correlate two attribute values when creating a request is for them to be part of a hierarchical valid set: selecting a value for attribute_1 will filter out values for attribute_2. The proposed enhancement consists in enabling…
  • Distinguish attributes having the same prompt on searching, filtering and reporting

    Searching, filtering and reporting on requests or items: 1) It can be rather difficult to build a query on attributes, as it requires selecting prompts , while sometimes two attributes have the same or very similar prompts. It would therefore be useful…
  • Enable searching, filtering and reporting across products and across request/item types, on USER attributes

    Currently, searching, filtering and reporting on USER attributes is rather limited: it is only possible for a given product or a given request type, whereas many users need to obtain results for several products or for different request types (or even…
  • where build $PATH keep that information

    Hi All i'm just wondering when i try to build in Linux environment. there something different when build in my vm and customer server something what i notice when in vm when try to echo $PATH, the output like : /mti/devonc/sw/serena/dimensions/14…
  • better request/item filtering in dimensions

    The dimensions website filtering system could be improved by adopting a few filtering ideas from the Dimensions RM product. Here are the main tenets: 1.) There is a collapsible set of filters which are minimized by default. 2.) There are several sections…
  • Dimensions CM Git Client for VS Code Failed to run a request to remote server

    I am using the Dimensions CM Git Client for VS Code to connect to our PVCS server. I get the following output on my Dimensions terminal when I try to connect (using my authentication): 5/2/2024 1:34:51 PM Loading Dimensions configuration properties…
  • No-install CM web client tools?

    Can the Dimensions CM Web Client Tools client be configured to work without having to be installed? There are an increasing number of end-user machines these days which do not allow any software installations, meaning they cannot download or upload…
  • dcm with remote DB oracle

    Hi all kindly need some advice regarding my case now i do assessment for DCM 14.7, usually we setup in same server, but got new requirement with remote DB. and i read in manual, it was possible to set with that spec. need oracle client installed…
  • Receiving 400 error when trying to run Dimensions Clone command in VSCode

    I'm receiving the following error when trying to run Dimensions commands in VSCode: Failed to run a request to remote server. Response code: 400. I turned on the debug log level in the Dimensions CM extension in VSCode, it looks like Dimensions is…
  • copy upload rules from one project/server to another one or add many rules from a text file

    Hello, I want to add upload rules on a new project that has to be setup on a new server. There are no upload rules existing at the moment. 1. Is there a way to export the upload rules from another server and then import on the the server? 2. If…
  • Dimensions CM error manual

    It would be great to have a Dimensions CM manual error explaining in more detail the errors, the cause and the action to take if possible). Many errors are quite cryptic, shorts and scarces. Egoistically for them (OpenText Support), it would save incident…
  • How to identify HTTPS-tunneled SDP traffic for F5 proxy'ing

    How do I get an F5 server to recognize Dimensions CM Desktop client HTTPS traffic so that the SDP contents tunneled inside of those HTTPS connections can be routed to the Dimensions CM Listener service? My CM Desktop client "Server:" connection field…
  • Requests are automatically repended when new users are added

    Requests are not automatically repended when new users are added. Currently this is the behaviour of Dimensions, meaning when a new user is added with the correct roles the person is unable to work against Requests (as they are not pending) unless a…
  • Errors using 64-bit C/C++ API from Python

    I have interfaced Python to the 32-bit clientapi10m.dll and pcms_api10m.dll using ctypes successfully. With the upgrade to client 14.5.3 I noticed the "prog64" directory contained 64-bit versions of these dlls. Since it would be advantageous to be able…
  • We need to decrease the default session_timeout value "3600" of listener.dat of Dimensions 14.5.3, 14.6 and future versions.

    Hi All, https://knowledgebase.serena.com/InfoCenter/index?page=content&id=S141609 -session_timeout Default 3600 at installation Minimum 3600 (1 hour) According to the above URL of knowledge base, we realize that session_timeout value is the key…
  • ALERT: Legacy knowledgebase and help.serena.com will be down from Sept 14 to about Sept 19

    As part of our efforts to merge the Serena/Micro Focus systems with OpenText, we are moving the servers which host the legacy knowledgebase and the legacy help.serena.com websites to a new data center. The servers will be shut down on Sept 14 to start…
  • Get items related to SCR via dmcli

    I am trying to write a script that when given a software change request, HSV_SLED_SCR_144, will connect to Dimensions via dmcli and return a list of all related items
  • Dimensions 12.2 on Windows Server 2012 or later

    Has anyone got any experience of running Dimensions 12.2 on Windows Server 2012 or later?