Idea ID: 2880310

Dimension should have option to control privileges over Metadata files (.dmdb) generated by dimension.

Status: New Idea

We are working on dimension CM 14.6 and using dimension to automate the code deployment to the target application server. 

The dimension is installed in windows 2016 server and database server is a UNIX server. 

We use deployment area to configure the deployment process, when ever a deployment is triggered some metadata file with extension .dmdb gets generated within the UNIX server. The files are generated with world writable privilege, which is a security concern. I raised this to the open text support but there was no help to tackle the privilege over the metadata files being generated. 

Can help to include my request to enable an option from within dimension console whereby the privilege over the metadata files can be controlled. 

Can connect to me      if need more information to understand the issue in detail