• RE: Whether Serena Dimensions CM allows REST API

    Hi, You can access the REST API reference in the Developer's API reference document . Please refer to chapter 20, RESTful Web Services. Did you know you can view the xml description of web services using WADL definition file? Go to <yourserver_name…
  • Whether Serena Dimensions CM allows REST API

    Is there way to log\create a bug through any Platform (SOAP\REST API\Excel Sheet..etc..) using any language (Python, C, Perl).
  • SBM and Dimensions CM integration - lookup data from Dimensions

    I'm a SBM newbie.. just finished SBM training. I've a task to create front end workflow app for Dimension's Change Request process. Workflow stats look like this... Submit Request -> CCB Review (multiple votes) -> Approve ->Final -> Deny -> Withdrawn…