• Dimensions CM Git Client fail to log

    Hello, I'm facing the following issue that troubles me a bit : when trying to use the Git Client for VSCode extension, all I get from the extension is that it fails to authenticate me on the server, and that's it. Trying to use the Git Client directly…
  • Dimensions CM Git Client for VS Code Failed to run a request to remote server

    I am using the Dimensions CM Git Client for VS Code to connect to our PVCS server. I get the following output on my Dimensions terminal when I try to connect (using my authentication): 5/2/2024 1:34:51 PM Loading Dimensions configuration properties…
  • Integration DCM with VSCode to get Request list

    Hi All need some advice or suggestion now i do assessment for integrating DCM with VSCode for customer, but when try simulate to push to DCM, i can't found my request connected to DCM? any miss configuration for my case? i user version 1.4.0 extension…
  • Problems creating folders with Git client; items end up in strange state

    Hello folks. We have recently started using the Git client at our site, and are running into issues when pushing changes to Dimensions that include new folders in the work area. The log is similar to the below (with some deployment specifics omitted)…
  • RE: Integration DCM with Android Studio

    Hello Zyan, Dimensions CM supports the integration with IntelliJ IDEA via Dimensions Git Client interface with Dimensions plug-in for IDEA. So, IDEA users work with Dimensions CM repository like they'd usually work with Git. The integration also provides…