• how to use DMINPUT in BUILD

    Hi All kindly need some advice, our customer had request to make build configuration. their dev make some Makefile this case in linux so the only call like /.../<path to shell file>/ /../<location of source code>/ <nameofmodule> i.e. /shell…
  • where build $PATH keep that information

    Hi All i'm just wondering when i try to build in Linux environment. there something different when build in my vm and customer server something what i notice when in vm when try to echo $PATH, the output like : /mti/devonc/sw/serena/dimensions/14…
  • Receiving 400 error when trying to run Dimensions Clone command in VSCode

    I'm receiving the following error when trying to run Dimensions commands in VSCode: Failed to run a request to remote server. Response code: 400. I turned on the debug log level in the Dimensions CM extension in VSCode, it looks like Dimensions is…
  • Errors using 64-bit C/C++ API from Python

    I have interfaced Python to the 32-bit clientapi10m.dll and pcms_api10m.dll using ctypes successfully. With the upgrade to client 14.5.3 I noticed the "prog64" directory contained 64-bit versions of these dlls. Since it would be advantageous to be able…
  • Problem moving item to another design part: could not find any item with UID

    Hi guys. We are having issues moving an item to another Design Part. When trying to assign a different design part to this item with Dimension Desktop Client 14.5.1, it is giving me an error "Could not find any item with UID 13797748" The item we…
  • Deliver seems to be missing files when it does the comparison

    When I try to deliver an update to a stream the system seems to miss files but afterwards when I do a difference it shows the missing files?
  • Deliver with /delete parameters using dmcli

    Hi All I have a problem with deliver command in dmcli. I have a local workspace that was modified and now I have to deliver changes into dimensions repository. Dimensions> Dimensions>DELIVER /WORKSET="HICD:HIC_HICBUS" /USER_DIRECTORY="/home/dmsys/workspaces…
  • Why I can delete groups that have user, role and design part related?

    Why I can delete groups that have user, role and design part related? Exists some restriction for block "delete groups" if its have users, roles and design part related?
  • Dimensions 2009 R2 Bulk Check-in (Desktop Client)

    Hi, I'm facing problem in bulk check-in using Dimensions 2009 R2 Desktop Client. In Dimensions Desktop client, I have more than 100 files for which I need to check-in the second revision. I have the second revision files in my local PC. To upload these…
  • Dimensions 9.1 dmsys Password Reset

    I have forgot the dmsys password for the Serena Dimensions 9.1. I need to reset the dmsys password. I tried using the command "dmpasswd dmsys -mod". But this is asking my old password which i forgot. I tried to delete the user ID 'dmsys' using "dmpasswd…
  • How we can remove an Item from a Baseline?

    Suppose we created a Baseline and some unwanted items got selected in Baseline. To tackle this we would delete baseline and then change status of item and then would again create a baseline. But is there any method to delete the item?
  • Dimensions TeamCity Integration

    Is there a Dimensions Plugin for JetBrains TeamCity or is it planned for near future
  • Dimensions and ITIL

    Anybody have or know some documentation relate to Dimensions and ITIL's best practice. A Customer want know how Dimensions help to adopt these best practice. Thanks. Cesar.
  • Batch Add Users

    Is there a way to add multiple users at once from a excel spreadsheet, or csv file?
  • Does Dimensions have intergration with Subversion for version management

    Question posted 2/18/09 by Orlando Kelly , tagged Dimensions CM Details: I may be mistaked but I thought I read somewhere on the serena site that Dimensions can be used with Subversion. is there an intergration path? We have several java developers who…
  • Dimensions & Domain Authentication

    What authority does Dimensions deploy the files under? i.e. we have mutliple possible destination locations for the files, and we need to know what Windows account needs access to those locations for Dimensions to able to write there? Is it the dmsys…
  • Authenticating to Dimensions with Java

    Where can I find documentation on the Dimensions Java API - my organization recently upgraded to the newest version of dimensions, however a Java program I wrote will not work with the new version. I get the following exception: com.serena.dmclient.api…