• how to use DMINPUT in BUILD

    Hi All kindly need some advice, our customer had request to make build configuration. their dev make some Makefile this case in linux so the only call like /.../<path to shell file>/ /../<location of source code>/ <nameofmodule> i.e. /shell…
  • where build $PATH keep that information

    Hi All i'm just wondering when i try to build in Linux environment. there something different when build in my vm and customer server something what i notice when in vm when try to echo $PATH, the output like : /mti/devonc/sw/serena/dimensions/14…
  • Dimensions CM Git Client for VS Code Failed to run a request to remote server

    I am using the Dimensions CM Git Client for VS Code to connect to our PVCS server. I get the following output on my Dimensions terminal when I try to connect (using my authentication): 5/2/2024 1:34:51 PM Loading Dimensions configuration properties…
  • dcm with remote DB oracle

    Hi all kindly need some advice regarding my case now i do assessment for DCM 14.7, usually we setup in same server, but got new requirement with remote DB. and i read in manual, it was possible to set with that spec. need oracle client installed…
  • Receiving 400 error when trying to run Dimensions Clone command in VSCode

    I'm receiving the following error when trying to run Dimensions commands in VSCode: Failed to run a request to remote server. Response code: 400. I turned on the debug log level in the Dimensions CM extension in VSCode, it looks like Dimensions is…
  • copy upload rules from one project/server to another one or add many rules from a text file

    Hello, I want to add upload rules on a new project that has to be setup on a new server. There are no upload rules existing at the moment. 1. Is there a way to export the upload rules from another server and then import on the the server? 2. If…
  • How to identify HTTPS-tunneled SDP traffic for F5 proxy'ing

    How do I get an F5 server to recognize Dimensions CM Desktop client HTTPS traffic so that the SDP contents tunneled inside of those HTTPS connections can be routed to the Dimensions CM Listener service? My CM Desktop client "Server:" connection field…
  • Errors using 64-bit C/C++ API from Python

    I have interfaced Python to the 32-bit clientapi10m.dll and pcms_api10m.dll using ctypes successfully. With the upgrade to client 14.5.3 I noticed the "prog64" directory contained 64-bit versions of these dlls. Since it would be advantageous to be able…
  • ALERT: Legacy knowledgebase and help.serena.com will be down from Sept 14 to about Sept 19

    As part of our efforts to merge the Serena/Micro Focus systems with OpenText, we are moving the servers which host the legacy knowledgebase and the legacy help.serena.com websites to a new data center. The servers will be shut down on Sept 14 to start…
  • Get items related to SCR via dmcli

    I am trying to write a script that when given a software change request, HSV_SLED_SCR_144, will connect to Dimensions via dmcli and return a list of all related items
  • Dimensions 12.2 on Windows Server 2012 or later

    Has anyone got any experience of running Dimensions 12.2 on Windows Server 2012 or later?
  • Problem moving item to another design part: could not find any item with UID

    Hi guys. We are having issues moving an item to another Design Part. When trying to assign a different design part to this item with Dimension Desktop Client 14.5.1, it is giving me an error "Could not find any item with UID 13797748" The item we…
  • how create reporting relationships of items and request

    Hi need some advice for reporting what i know create report in dcm not so advance let's say, customer want to now all request item and what items relate to request, i try on multi view but and no relation between that 2 reports, in for items…
  • Integration DCM with VSCode to get Request list

    Hi All need some advice or suggestion now i do assessment for integrating DCM with VSCode for customer, but when try simulate to push to DCM, i can't found my request connected to DCM? any miss configuration for my case? i user version 1.4.0 extension…
  • CI with Dimensions and Bamboo

    I'm using Dimensions CM 14.3.1 (I know it's an older version but unfortunately I have to use this specific version) and have been asked to look into setting up Atlassian Bamboo Plans to provide continuous integration builds when certain actions happen…
  • Anyone using CAC and F5 with Dimensions CM 14.5.1 or higher on RHEL 7?

    I have a CM 14.5.1 system that uses CAC / Username and Password (UNPW) and is behind a F5 WAF. I am able to login with either CAC or UNPW. After I upgraded CM to 14.5.3, I am no longer able to login with CAC. Anyone have a similar experience and / or…
  • Ignoring Specific Files and Folders

    Is there a way to make Dimensions remember that you ignored specific files and folders so that you do not have to right click and press ignore manually every time you deliver? I am aware that in Dimensions CM 14.4 there is the dmignore file that would…
  • Unable to run "upgrade all"

    I've been testing Dimensions 14.5.2 and Oracle 12c R1 on a test Server 2016 and it's all looking very good. I decided to test on Server 2019 using the same exact steps I used on 2016. There were no issues, just like with Server 2016. I run dmdba system…
  • VRS unable to upgrade

    I’m currently trying to setup a new server and upgrade the data from Dimensions 10.1.3 to Dimensions 14.5.2. I don’t know how Dimensions works, other than installing and configuring it. We had the user correct the issue in Dimensions 10.1.3 regarding…
  • Where Configuration files and user data are stored?

    Looking for the DIM CM information where configuration and control files and user data is stored in the tool?
  • How to schedule generate Dimensions CM 14 report (not Run Users Report)

    Hi Any command line or interface to schedule generate Dimensions CM 14 Report to file Regards, Rainy Chou
  • Migration of a project reposirory to a stream in Dimensions CM

    Hello there, We are trying to migrate the contents of a "project" source repository of a product to a "stream" that belongs to a different product. Can you please help us to understand if there is any kind of utility or any series of steps to accomplish…
  • Icons for Windows Explorer Shell Aren't Displayed (Dimensions CM 12.1)

    We recently switched to Serena Dimensions CM as our source control and Change Management system, and are currently working on configuring the desktop clients to work correctly. On the Windows Shell Explorer plug-in, the help documentation shows icons…
  • Build and Checkin - Issue with Event Queue and Time

    I have an issue with Deploying files to a build server, building the artifact and checking the target back into Dimensions CM. This operation used to take in total about 10 Mins. The build takes 2-3 and then the movement of files back and forth takes…
  • Dimensions CM Post Deploy Script Powershell

    I am having issues with launching a powershell script from a post deploy transfer script. The cmd/template successfully compiles and launches the powershell script but the powershell process immediately closes. The account that runs the promotion/deploy…