how to use DMINPUT in BUILD

Hi All

kindly need some advice,

our customer had request to make build configuration. their dev make some Makefile

this case in linux

so the only call like /.../<path to shell file>/ /../<location of source code>/ <nameofmodule>

i.e. /shell/ /web/page/bisnis/module1/ module1

and like in /web/page/bisnis/ had many module. so basically that path folder and module will be dynamic. depend what you will build

i read in and look for DMINPUT and MDHEXTRACT to get the path of folder file what we download while build started. 

but try to look value of DMINPUT always say

TPL1602071E Variable DMINPUT reference is not defined in the symbol table

or if i put as REP

TPL1601022E Variable DMINPUT referenced in )REP not in symbol table

so where the value of DMINPUT?

this below? or else?