Dimensions CM 14.3.3: CBL command for creating TIP BASELINES (scoped by workset instead of by DPs) seems to do not work properly

I'm interested in creating a project baselines where ONLY the Design Parts the project items are related with are considered (one could consider owned and used-by relationships). However, whenever I create a TIP-BASELINE I got almost the complete tree of Design Parts related with the baseline. 

In order to ilustrate the problem, just  a very simple example:

  • I created one project (L_RC_DUMMY) with just one item revision
  • The item revision is related against EFA:ASTA:KAKA design part (EFA product and root DP)
  • “KAKA” design part has a child design part “KAKA_01” (empty, i.e., no items related against KAKA_O1 DP)





When I create a TIP BASELINE (BL_DUMMY) using L_RC_DUMMY project, I got 41996 DPs related. why?.

(CBL "EFA:BL_DUMMY"  /TYPE = "BASELINE"  /SCOPE = "WORKSET"  /WORKSET = "EFA:L_RC_DUMMY" /SCOPE_TO_WS. /SCOPE_TO_WS is redundant and not really needed. I can omit it.)

If I run the query:

select top_node_part_id from pcms_baseline_info where baseline_id='BL_DUMMY'  I got  EFA (root product DP)


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    Hello Carlos,

    Thanks for contacting the Support.

    I've tried exactly same steps, Part structure and cannot recreate the behavior you have. Like in our conversation below, I've requested SDP and DBIO traces via Support, so we can check in R&D why the behavior goes a different way comparing to what we observe. Do you need help on obtaining SDP & DBIO traces?

    Kind Regards,

    Alex Shevchenko
    Sr Development Manager
    Although I work for OpenText, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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    Hi Alex, I already delivered the dm.cfg configuration file. Regarding traces I understand that setting the following symbols is enough:

    DM_SDP_TRACE                %DM_ROOT%/logs/DM_SDP_TRACES/
    DM_TRACE                    %DM_ROOT%/logs/DM_TRACES/
    DM_LOG                      %DM_ROOT%/logs/
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    Hi Carlos,

    Please use the following combination of tracing parameters in Dimensions Server dm.cfg file:

    DM_SDP_TRACE                %DM_ROOT%/logs/DM_SDP_TRACES/
    Please ensure corresponding folders exist and writable for a Dimensions process, then restart the Dimensions Listener service, so these configuration changes are applied.
    Once test Baseline creation is complete and traces are captured from both folders to Support for R&D analysis, please comment out these parameters by prefixing these 3 lines with "#" character and restart Dimensions listener.
    Thank you,

    Alex Shevchenko
    Sr Development Manager
    Although I work for OpenText, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
    If you found this post useful, give it a “Like” or click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button.