Dimensions CM 14.3.3: CBL command for creating TIP BASELINES (scoped by workset instead of by DPs) seems to do not work properly

I'm interested in creating a project baselines where ONLY the Design Parts the project items are related with are considered (one could consider owned and used-by relationships). However, whenever I create a TIP-BASELINE I got almost the complete tree of Design Parts related with the baseline. 

In order to ilustrate the problem, just  a very simple example:

  • I created one project (L_RC_DUMMY) with just one item revision
  • The item revision is related against EFA:ASTA:KAKA design part (EFA product and root DP)
  • “KAKA” design part has a child design part “KAKA_01” (empty, i.e., no items related against KAKA_O1 DP)





When I create a TIP BASELINE (BL_DUMMY) using L_RC_DUMMY project, I got 41996 DPs related. why?.

(CBL "EFA:BL_DUMMY"  /TYPE = "BASELINE"  /SCOPE = "WORKSET"  /WORKSET = "EFA:L_RC_DUMMY" /SCOPE_TO_WS. /SCOPE_TO_WS is redundant and not really needed. I can omit it.)

If I run the query:

select top_node_part_id from pcms_baseline_info where baseline_id='BL_DUMMY'  I got  EFA (root product DP)


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    Since a Tip Baseline is scoped by the whole project/stream - it captures all Parts structure and relates all parts.

    pcms_baseline_info.top_node_part_id - The name of the top design part in the baseline, since the baseline is scoped by workset (i.e. the whole part structure) - then it's the root product Design Part.

    Tip Baseline is a snapshot of a project. When you open a project - you have the full design part structure, not only those which have items related. Same for a Tip Baseline - the whole Design Part structure, thus all Parts are related as being taken into account during the baseline creation.

    Limited Parts tree (so limited set of related Parts) is included into a Baseline only when it is not Tip baseline and some sub-Part is specified for Baseline creation.

    Alex Shevchenko
    Sr Development Manager
    Although I work for OpenText, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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    Many thanks for your reply Alex. There is something I do not really understand:

    Since a Tip Baseline is scoped by the whole project/stream - it captures all Parts structure and relates all parts.

    “Tip Baseline is a snapshot of a project. When you open a project - you have the full design part structure, not only those which have items related. Same for a Tip Baseline - the whole Design Part structure, thus all Parts are related as being taken into account during the baseline creation.”

    In that case, a TIP BASELINE .eq. a BASELINE where the root or parent design part is the one for the product (from design part perspective.. of course, the lack of a template is a difference as well). Apart from that, in this case, it does not matter what project you choose because always the complete tree of parts would be selected.

    However, it seems to me it is not the case: if I generate a TIP baseline from other projects, the design parts related are not all the ones under the product/root DP but under another parent DP (with respecto to the items belonging to the project) and all the child ones underneath. ¿?


    Project T_RA_T1_EP2 (project for the same product EFA)

    If I create a tip baseline:


    Create Baseline - Baseline EFA:BL_DUMMY has been forwarded to PCMS

    Operation completed

    12 design parts created: 12 is the number of DP underneath (icnluding the parent/root one -> EF_NC).

    If I see the top DP related I get:

    select top_node_part_id from pcms_baseline_info where baseline_id='BL_DUMMY';



    The reason of this issue with the baselines has to do with the following problem:

    It’s very difficult to remove or let’s say re-arrange the DP tree of you product whenever many user baselines relates the complete tree (or almost the complete tree) of Design Parts. On the other hand, in many cases items belonging to a project do not cleary share the same parent DP and therefore you would need to select a higher level DP “containing” the complete set of items in your project. However this DP could have so many DP underneath..

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    I am sorry, seems that I've confused something while testing different baseline scenarios.

    You are correct, I've debugged that area and confirm that for the Tip Baseline the top Design Part must be considered basing on relationships of captured by Baseline items. When there are items related to different branches in the design part structure - then the common parent of those baselines is considered as a top root Part for a Tip Baseline.

    It's also possible when a Part is related to Root Part as Usage, then the common parent will be a top Root Part. There is also more tricky case when some part Use part(s) from another product(s). If these two exclusions from the general rule are not your case and no extra Use relationships of item or KAKA part to a top part - then it's not clear why KAKA is not a top Part in your initially described case.

    Then it's probably worth to contact Support and capture SDP and DBIO traces, so we can research in R&D what makes the CBL command to set EFA as a top Part for a Tip Baseline.

    Alex Shevchenko
    Sr Development Manager
    Although I work for OpenText, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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    I am sorry, seems that I've confused something while testing different baseline scenarios.

    You are correct, I've debugged that area and confirm that for the Tip Baseline the top Design Part must be considered basing on relationships of captured by Baseline items. When there are items related to different branches in the design part structure - then the common parent of those baselines is considered as a top root Part for a Tip Baseline.

    It's also possible when a Part is related to Root Part as Usage, then the common parent will be a top Root Part. There is also more tricky case when some part Use part(s) from another product(s). If these two exclusions from the general rule are not your case and no extra Use relationships of item or KAKA part to a top part - then it's not clear why KAKA is not a top Part in your initially described case.

    Then it's probably worth to contact Support and capture SDP and DBIO traces, so we can research in R&D what makes the CBL command to set EFA as a top Part for a Tip Baseline.

    Alex Shevchenko
    Sr Development Manager
    Although I work for OpenText, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
    If you found this post useful, give it a “Like” or click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button.

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