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Problem moving item to another design part: could not find any item with UID

Hi guys. We are having issues moving an item to another Design Part. When trying to assign a different design part to this item with Dimension Desktop Client 14.5.1, it is giving me an error "Could not find any item with UID 13797748"

The item we are moving has the Spec UID 13797749, but the error is showing that it can’t find the item 13797748.

Things I’ve tried:

  • Confirmed that item with uid 13797748 doesn’t exist in the item list
  • Refreshed and logged out and back in again
  • Moving to another design part seems to be the only situation that causes the error. Other operations e.g. moving to another request works fine.

Have you guys encountered similar issues? Any help would be appreciated

  • Suggested Answer


    Dave, it is likely you are mistaking spec_uid with the uid when looking for the item. For the initial revision there will be 1 number difference. 

    From the published views:

    The UID for the product item as a whole (all revisions).
    The UID for the particular item revision concerned.

  • 0 in reply to   

    Thank you for the reply. Is the "published view" you are referring to accessible through the desktop client? If not how would I access it? I tried to follow the Administration Guide and issued the "insv" command on the desktop client but I'm getting the "Command not found" error.  

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