I would like add my specific file extension into upload Rule in AdminConsle.
Any Command line support Upload Rules, I put my Upload Rule in LIST file.
Rainy Chou
DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
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Here is an example script below which is adding a rule into one of products for "Dimensions Clients" environment.
There are two variables (uploadEnvName & projName) which can be obtained by enumerating db.uploadEnvironments and each env UploadProjects in a script, but might be easier just in browser; especially if you are interested in one certain Upload Rules node to add rules to (see attached GIF below showing how to copy-paste them via browser).
The script can be executed this way, where the last parameter is the path to the script file containing the program below:
>dmpmcli -user admin -pass admPa$$word -dbname cm_typical -host DimCM-hostname -dsn dim15 -file C:\UploadRules\AddRule.js
P.S. Please mind, that Upload rules were enhanced in (more info: http://help.serena.com/doc_center/cm/dmcm_newfeaturehistory.htm#upload_rules), so they are Ant rules since that time and few more differences. So, if you deal with an older Dimensions CM release, you might need to adopt the script a little.
Alex Shevchenko
Sr Development Manager
Although I work for OpenText, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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