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Upgrade Agent’s JRE in Deployment Automation



The default JRE list on the UI might not meet the system requirement, or the agent’s JRE may need to be upgraded to a specific version.

What are the step-by-step instructions for upgrading the agent’s JRE to the desired version?


1. Download the upgraded version zip files for the JRE on both Windows and Linux platforms:

2. Navigate to the DA Web Application Install Directory: [DA_installaation_folder]\common\tomcat\<tomcat-version>\webapps\da\WEB-INF\install

3. Extract the upgraded JRE Zip Files downloaded in step 1 to the agent-upgrade folder.

4. Edit supportedJREs.json in the agent-upgrade directory. Add entries for the new JRE versions according to the necessary structure

For example:


5. Verify JRE Upgrade versions in the DA application. If the new JRE versions are not visible, restart the Tomcat service to apply changes.

6. Select and upgrade the JRE to the desired version from the dropdown list.

7. Update the Agent Installation Path: 

  • Identify and back up the _jvm folder.
  • Then, delete the _jvm directory.

8. Restart the Agent from the DA interface.

9. Verify Agent is Running with New JRE

  • Confirm that the agent is running with the newly upgraded JRE.
  • Check logs or use 'java -version' to verify the installed JRE version.


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