Idea ID: 2870736

Automate OPLG(On premise Load Generator) configuration Tool setup for on-demand OPLG use

Status: Delivered

Currently there is documentation available to perform silent OPLG (On-premise Load Generation) installation i.e. .

However, there is a need to automate OPLG setup beyond install i.e. OPLG Configuration tool.  After installation, user has to setup values manually for different Keys on OPLG-Configuration Tool on General, Misc & Options tabs. Ex. on General tab--> Key, User Name, password, Tenant ID ; on Misc tab -->  Proxy, Server, Log level ; on Options tab --> Name-value pairs. 

Automating OPLG configuration tool will allow the customers to spin-up & tear-down Cloud-based OPLGs on an on-demand basis, otherwise, the Cloud-based OPLG has to be ON, even if there are no Performance Tests running.

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