Each DataSource element in the XML configuration provides information about the repository and types available for synchronization. The DataSource elements include:
Name – A unique name to be used in the Synchronization definition(s)
Product – The name of the product repository (example – “Rally”)
Connector – Connection information for the DataPool instance.
ConnectorClass – The name of the DataPool class implementation.
Credentials – Username and password to establish connection.
Custom Property(s) – Any other connection parameters required to connect to the repository (example – URL).
Type(s) – Information about each type of item data.
String to reference the type in the DataPool.
ParentProperty – Optional property name of the parent ID.
IDProperty – Property name where the unique ID is stored.
Modified Properties – Properties for determining who and when the item was modified.
LinkProperty – Property name where the associated artifact ID will be stored.
readOnly – Optional boolean indicating if items of this type are to be updated