Idea ID: 2767798

Should support LDAP authentication

Status: New Idea
MF Connect should support LDAP as an authentication source.

This will help us to avoid using of builtin (local) MFC users and make MFC compliant with our security policies.
  • >>I am not sure that the tool could handle this kind of synchro everyday ? 

    I'd say it depends upon the rate at which you could set up an automaton to extract the data from LDAP.

    Our customers using the tool have reported throughputs of the order of 10000 users in 2 seconds.

    Would you like to give it a try and let us know how it performs for you?

    If necessary, we can set up a meeting (please open an incident) so we can walk you through the usage...

    Take care



  • Hello,

    Effectively then I mistaken the need thanks for the information. I will create an idea: 

    A tool to import from an LDAP is not a solution for us. We are a big company with several hundred of thousands users.... with hundreds of users going in and out per day worldwide=> I am not sure that the tool could handle this kind of synchro everyday ? 

  • >>our jira is using full name as identifier as in octane we are using an UID. 

    i believe you're describing a completely different problem.

    if i'm not mistaken, you're looking for an LDAP enabled way to map user representations across products, rather than using LDAP enabled authentication to log into Connect (the subject of this idea)

    In any case, you can already do that too.

    Use our User Mapping utility to import user representations from LDAP into MF Connect, then turn on User Maps and run your syncs

  • >>avoid using of builtin (local) MFC users and make MFC compliant with our security policies.


    You can already do this.

    Use Octane or ALM/QC as the authenticators.

    Assuming that they are backed by LDAP, you can then login to MF Connect using the appropriate authenticator.

    The only user you would need outside this is the builtin Administrator, which would be the sole  'MFC specific' user.


  • A big up for the need: our jira is using full name as identifier as in octane we are using an UID. We should be able to use a ldap and point which ldap field to use to convert the users.