Idea ID: 2876538

MF Connect should support issue/entity type conversion

Status: Waiting for Votes

Yes, this is a perfectly valid scenario.

At this time, Connect does not support any kind of type change for synchronized items (except delete old and create new - which is not ideal).
This is a known limitation in multiple ways (support type change, if not support type change, "somehow" mark old item to indicate type change, etc.).

Currently, this is on the backlog, but not in any particularly high position - setting idea status to "Waiting for Votes".

See status update history

Consider the following scenario: A synchronization with MF Connect is set up between a JIRA project and an Octane workspace, which maps JIRA user stories to Octane user stories and JIRA epics to Octane features.

As part of a backlog refinement, a user story is converted into an epic in JIRA or vice versa.

What happens in JIRA Octane synchronization? If the JIRA issue under consideration was already synchronized to Octane before the issue type was changed in JIRA, the next run of the synchronization will not reproduce the type change made in JIRA in Octane, but will create a second Octane counterpart. As a result, both a story and a feature exist in Octane as counterparts for the JIRA issue under consideration. This is obviously an inconsistency because a JIRA issue is represented by two Octane entities.

What behavior would I expect from JIRA Octane Sync? Since it is possible in Octane to convert a user story into a feature or a feature into a user story with a corresponding action, a type change of a process in JIRA should also be reproduced by an automatically performed type change in Octane, so that there is a consistent 1-to-1 relationship between the JIRA issue and the Octane entity.

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