Idea ID: 2743030

MF Connect automatically loads up user list from its data source during user mapping.

Status: Waiting for Votes

Waiting for Votes

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When mapping users in MF Connect, the 'user name' uses a text format for manual input. Whereas it would be better to have a droplist that displays of all users available to select that is directly connected to its data source.

  • Looking forward to see improvements in User maps as well.

    Would be great to have possibility of sharing User maps among workspaces/datasources, as option by making DataSource multi value list? So we don't have to add several user's records for same user in different DataSources.

    Or even better - to have it automatically setup for workspaces where my user added for instance as Team member.


    As a start it would be good if we could import users mapping lists from csv files.

  • Hi MF,

    Are there any updates regarding this idea?

    Thank you in advance.