• ALM Connect Datasource for Azure DevOps authentication error - Code:401 URL:https://XXX.com/_apis/wit/workItems

    Hello, I am faicing a problem to create a Datasource in ALM Connect for Azure DevOps. Once I insert URL, Username and PWD I recieve validation error responseCode:401 URL:URL .com/.../workItems Anny suggestion please?
  • VS403664: Unable to update the comment xxxxxx, you must be a creator of the comment to update

    Hello Team, We have an integration between ALM SaaS and ADO using the MF Connect on SaaS, synchronizing Defects - Bugs. ALM SaaS - 17.0.1 (build 94) Micro Focus Connect Core 4.4.3 (SaaS) ADO -Version Dev19.M230.1 (AzureDevOps_M230_20231130.5…
  • MF Connect Core - Migrating data from ALM Octane to DevOPs

    Newbie question. Currently l am looking into documentation from migrating data from Octane ALM to DevOps. My question is, does MF connector core take care of linked file attachments? Presuming the db has the the reference to the location where it is…
  • Azure Devops - update status - resolved date

    Hello I've a question about status synchronization between HPQC and Azure DevOps. Imagine the following status : HPQC AZURE DEVOPS NEW NEW REOPEN ACTIVE RESOLVED RESOLVED When de bug Azure devops is resolved…
  • HP ALM 12.55 and Microsoft azure devops integration

    Hi, We have HP ALM 12.55 patch 2 and Microsoft Azure DevOps(VSTS). Management Requirements are need to integrate both tools and both should sync bidirectionally including test runs and everything like end to end form HP ALM to Azure DevOps(VSTS) <-->…