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Defect Link in Requirements not being sent from ALM QC to JIRA

Hi Everyone,

We are trying to sync  ALM Qc with Jira where i have tried syncing Story with Requirements. Everything is working fine except one field.

i.e. rel.outwards.causes(jira)(target)  -- connected-to-defect Defect(ALM)(source).

When I link a defect to Story in Jira, It becomes visible in ALM.(target to source works fine.)

But when I add any defect link in requirements in ALM side, Data is not reflected in JIRA despite its a bidirectional flow.

Is there something that I should be doing inorder for it to work. 

There is one more question since all rel.outwards.causes, rel.outward.clone etc are individual fields, how can i manage the flow from alm to jira.

Best Regards,


  • 0

    Hi Rathin,

    It is hard to answer these questions without full knowledge of the MF Connect builds you are on, and the complete use cases of the types you are trying to sync.

    On the other hand, technically, "rel.outwards.causes, rel.outward.clone"are labels of the issue link, but the goal in identifying them as individual fields is to allow you to whittle out links with other labels. 

    If issue link types aren;t a constraint to your sync, you should pick 'All related items' instead of 'rel.outward.causes'

    I'd recommend that you open a Support case against Alm/QC, put 'MF Connect issues with Jira Issue Links Synced to Defects' in the title,

    and reference this thread.

    That way, we can set up a meeting with you and help you.

    Take care


  • 0

    Hi Rathin,

    It is hard to answer these questions without full knowledge of the MF Connect builds you are on, and the complete use cases of the types you are trying to sync.

    On the other hand, technically, "rel.outwards.causes, rel.outward.clone"are labels of the issue link, but the goal in identifying them as individual fields is to allow you to whittle out links with other labels. 

    If issue link types aren;t a constraint to your sync, you should pick 'All related items' instead of 'rel.outward.causes'

    I'd recommend that you open a Support case against Alm/QC, put 'MF Connect issues with Jira Issue Links Synced to Defects' in the title,

    and reference this thread.

    That way, we can set up a meeting with you and help you.

    Take care

