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MF Connect Core - Migrating data from ALM Octane to DevOPs

Newbie question. Currently l am looking into documentation from migrating data from Octane ALM to DevOps.

My question is, does MF connector core take care of linked file attachments? Presuming the db has the the reference to the location where it is stored.  

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    Hi Michael.

    MF Connect is an integration (via synchronization) solution - it is not a migration solution.
    I would also mention that MF Connect does no access the ALM/QC DB.

    As this is not the purpose of MF Connect, and as this seems to be about migrating away from the product that actually entitles you to use MF Connect, we consider this topic to be out-of-scope.

    Best Regards,

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    Hi Michael.

    MF Connect is an integration (via synchronization) solution - it is not a migration solution.
    I would also mention that MF Connect does no access the ALM/QC DB.

    As this is not the purpose of MF Connect, and as this seems to be about migrating away from the product that actually entitles you to use MF Connect, we consider this topic to be out-of-scope.

    Best Regards,

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