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How to filter on set relation in sync criteria?

I want to set sync criteria in a way to only synchronize elements that are linked to one or more other elments.

In this specific example, I would limit the synchronization of TestPlans (out of MF ALM) to only those TestPlans with the Testtype "Functional" which are related to one or more Defects.

So I build the following Sync Critera:

As there is no "exists" operator for Sync Criteria, I had to use "Not IsEmpty" but everything else should be straightforward.

However, I get an Exception for each Test that has no linked Defect:

Why does an "IsEmpty" operator return an Exception when something is empty?

What is a working way to filter Elements in SyncCriteria on the existence of related elements?

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    >>What is a working way to filter Elements in SyncCriteria on the existence of related elements?

    I'm not ever certain this works, but I'd try isNull in preference to isEmpty, see where that takes you.

    >>I want to set sync criteria in a way to only synchronize elements that are linked to one or more other elments.

    This topic is far too complex to do justice on a community forum thread.

    I recommend raising an incident, Ed, Dave &/or I will have a meeting with you on a discussion of sync criteria.

    If you haven;t done so, I also recommend you upgrade to version 4.4.3, which as released to Connect MarketPlace a week ago.

    4.4.3 is a compendium of defect fixes on top of 4.4.2, which itself was a compendium of defect fixes atop 4.4.1.

    Take care


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    Dear Anil,

    up to my knowledge, there is no "IsNull"-Operator for SyncCriteria, available are only:  .

    Also there is no "isNull" mentioned in the documentation: Filter and query data (

    So what exactly are you refering to?

    Also I fail to see, why this a to complex for the community. In most programming languages and tools the checking for Null-Elements is done with one single statement. And as this is an aspect relevant for a lot of usecases, it should definitely be documented here.

    Regarding 4.4.3: We upgraded today but I still found no way to implement this criteria. 

    And yes, we will raise an incident and schedule a meeting with you as soon as possible. But I would prefer to solve as many topics in advance as possible, to avoid having to discuss to many different things at once.

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    I have had a look at this and this probably down to the configuration / mappings, please log a case and we can arrange remote session to look at this directly.

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    >>Also I fail to see, why this a to complex for the community.

    The MF Connect product is a cross product synchronization engine.

    There are 24 endpoints we in MF Connect CFRD (Customer Facing R&D) are actively involved in, and knowledgeable of -

    Octane, Alm/Qc, Rally, Version One, Service Now, Azure DevOps, Jira... amongst the rest.

    besides MF Connect itself...

    Each customer configuration is different.

    Some customers sync just the core artifact types & properties, some sync relationships, which imply parent types,

    some sync types which are hierarchical at one end point, flat at the other. 

    some customers use sync criteria & calculated values, some don;t.

    Some customers sync one to one, some many to one, some many to many.  ...types & projects....

    We meet the customer, understand their endpoint architecture, the configuration problem they need to solve, 

    verify they've met the requirements, and if after all that the synchronizations fail, we collect evidence of the failures, then take them into r&d as defects,

    to the extent we can, we provide workarounds with custom tools to bridge the gaps in the core engine, or to bridge the time it takes for r&d defect fixes.

    We cannot propose solutions to customer problems solely on the basis of threaded discussions of this nature, without a careful analysis of their configurations, their end points, their mappings, their Connect build versions...

    The forum is sufficient to answer the very simplest possible questions - but falls short for a complex product of this nature.

    This is why we require cases to be opened so that we can schedule meetings with webexes.

    So please, do open a case, specify this URL, mention our names, title your case 'MF Connect question xxx...'

    and email with the case number.

    we will get back in touch with you. within 24 hours. that, i guarantee.

    And please do trust me on this - the three of us - Ed, Dave & I, have no qualms covering every question you ask and every topic you raise. across 1 meeting or 10. 

    that's our job. that's our raison d'etre for existence as the MF Connect CFRD team.

    We take it very seriously.

    Take care


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    >>Also I fail to see, why this a to complex for the community.

    The MF Connect product is a cross product synchronization engine.

    There are 24 endpoints we in MF Connect CFRD (Customer Facing R&D) are actively involved in, and knowledgeable of -

    Octane, Alm/Qc, Rally, Version One, Service Now, Azure DevOps, Jira... amongst the rest.

    besides MF Connect itself...

    Each customer configuration is different.

    Some customers sync just the core artifact types & properties, some sync relationships, which imply parent types,

    some sync types which are hierarchical at one end point, flat at the other. 

    some customers use sync criteria & calculated values, some don;t.

    Some customers sync one to one, some many to one, some many to many.  ...types & projects....

    We meet the customer, understand their endpoint architecture, the configuration problem they need to solve, 

    verify they've met the requirements, and if after all that the synchronizations fail, we collect evidence of the failures, then take them into r&d as defects,

    to the extent we can, we provide workarounds with custom tools to bridge the gaps in the core engine, or to bridge the time it takes for r&d defect fixes.

    We cannot propose solutions to customer problems solely on the basis of threaded discussions of this nature, without a careful analysis of their configurations, their end points, their mappings, their Connect build versions...

    The forum is sufficient to answer the very simplest possible questions - but falls short for a complex product of this nature.

    This is why we require cases to be opened so that we can schedule meetings with webexes.

    So please, do open a case, specify this URL, mention our names, title your case 'MF Connect question xxx...'

    and email with the case number.

    we will get back in touch with you. within 24 hours. that, i guarantee.

    And please do trust me on this - the three of us - Ed, Dave & I, have no qualms covering every question you ask and every topic you raise. across 1 meeting or 10. 

    that's our job. that's our raison d'etre for existence as the MF Connect CFRD team.

    We take it very seriously.

    Take care


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