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Synchronization of Defects from MF ALM to Jira - Half of them can not be synchronized due to missing DefaultWysiwygConverter - How to find the root cause?

Good Morning,

I tried to synchronize Defects from MF ALM into issues in Jira.

My synchronization succeeds for half of the defects (corresponding issues in Jira are created and updated) and fails for the other half.

For the failing half I got a lot of error messages of the kind:

- SetValueFailed for Field Description

- Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/atlassian/renderer/wysiwyg/converter/DefaultWysiwygConverter

My first assumption was, that the field from MF ALM "Description and Workaround", that I was trying to map to the Jira-Field "Description", contain special elements that can not be transformed and prevent setting the description in Jira.

However, even if I copy the value of the field "Description and Workaround" from Defects that do synchronize to Jira, into a Defect that does NOT synchronize to Jira, nothing changes.

Even with the same content, which should end up in the Jira field "Description", one Defect is synchronized and the other is not.

That indicates that the error message shown in MF Connect is misleading. 

What I am asking myself - the error message "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/atlassian/renderer/wysiwyg/converter/DefaultWysiwygConverter" indicate a missing import in MF Connect - but why should the import only be missing at half of the items to be synchronized?

Putting all that together - I am totally lost and have no idea how to proceed further regarding this problem.

And ideas?

  • Verified Answer


    I would assume that you:

    • turned on the Jira data source setting "Use Wiki to Store Rich Text - If true, JiraConnector will use the wiki renderer to rich text fields."
    • did not download the Wiki Renderer JAR from Atlassian "atlassian-renderer-8.0.32.jar".
      This JAR is only needed if this setting is on.

    Please be aware that this setting is off by default (resulting in much formatting being lost when sync'ing rich text into Jira). This is due to the fact that the Atlassian Wiki Renderer library has some issues, not all of which we can work around.

    If the issue persists, please open a support case.

  • Verified Answer


    I would assume that you:

    • turned on the Jira data source setting "Use Wiki to Store Rich Text - If true, JiraConnector will use the wiki renderer to rich text fields."
    • did not download the Wiki Renderer JAR from Atlassian "atlassian-renderer-8.0.32.jar".
      This JAR is only needed if this setting is on.

    Please be aware that this setting is off by default (resulting in much formatting being lost when sync'ing rich text into Jira). This is due to the fact that the Atlassian Wiki Renderer library has some issues, not all of which we can work around.

    If the issue persists, please open a support case.

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