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Web/HTML: Async Request With HTTP2 Fails

Protocol: Web / HTTP
Base URL: This is a public site so MF can
run the script without any issues.

When we setup an asynchronous request and enable RTS -> Preferences -> HTTP -> 'Enable HTTP/2 features', the moment that the Async request is executed for the first time, the log reports many consecutive 'The request to server" is done with headers', but the body is not sending. This sequence of actions ends with the error: 'Warning -27760: Request "" failed'

This is tested with VuGen and with Controller.

We ran into this problem in a larger test but could bring it down to this mock-up.

Attached files: Vugen script to demo: you can run this internally also. Vugen log file of replay with full logging. Contains all LR.Detect tracing output

Please check to see if there is a solution for this or else bring this to the attention of MF Development.